The jumping parameters of children according to maturity coefficient
The purpose of the research is to explore the level of influence of children’s early maturation on some jumping parameters. Research groups consisted of (ngirl=205 nboy=210) child players from 4 years old to 10 years old with different academy of the junior sports hall. The research groups were measured for mass, standing and sitting height. Leg length was calculated by subtracting the participant’s sitting height from their standing height. To assess jumping parameters, counter-movement jump was achieved. The participants completed counter movement jumps by arm swing recorded with an OptoJump device. The Test continued for 15 seconds and contact time, flight time, jumping height, pace and percentage of sole area used during jumping were attained from children. As a result, when examining girls and boys’ maturation coefficients according to jumping parameters who had an early maturation coefficiency, show those superiorities during different ages for both sexes. © Kamla-Raj 2016.