Vitis vinifera L. A commonly used plant in public health: Effect of Iba applications on rooting metabolism of vine wood cuttings obtained from different regions
In this study, Indole-3-Butyric Acid's (IBA) effect was examined on rooting metabolism of green cuttings, Hasandede and Kalecik Karas? varieties that were cultural forms of Central Anatolia Region that was one of the important gene centers of Vitis vinifera L.(The grape) is one of the most important plants in the world due to its unique properties in public health especially for its flavonoid content. It was observed that IBA applied varieties showed different growth in different concentrations of IBA. While IBA affects the root development positively in terms of both cultivars, it has been found that it shows optimal root development as 6000 ppm in Hasandede variety, 7500 ppm in Kalecik Karas? in concentration. This difference was statistically evaluated and varieties were discussed in comparison.