Sirozlu hastada HBsAg/Anti-HBs serokonversiyonu
Chronic hepatitis B infection can lead to serious and mortal illnesses such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. HBsAg usually persists in chronic Hepatitis B patients. Spontaneous or being treated Anti-HBs seroconversion can be rarely observed and considered to be the endpoint of treatment if he is being trated. In this case study, it is mentioned that 63 years old patient who does not know that he has cirrhosis but Anti-HBs positive. The patient applied to our clinic to take some regular follow-ups which have not been taken for many years. In his first examination it was learned that the patient has been hepatises positive for 20 years and stopped follow-ups after taking two years medical treatment. The patient's whose physical examination is normal and it was detected that Anti-HBs pozitive and thrombocytopenia in blood tests. It was show that abdominal ultrasonography findings conform with cirrhosis. When it was investigated patient's earlier results with Anti-HBs positive to search in terms of cirrhosis etiology, his previous biopsy was reported as cirrhosis 19 years ago. The causes cirrhosis is hepatitis be HBsAg /Anti-HBs seroconversion developed after cirrhosis. The tenofovir treatment was started to patient who has low titer HBV DNA and treated with interferon previously. The Anti-HBs positivity can detract the specialists from hepatitis B infection when cirrhosis etiology is investigatedin patients. The patient whose previous anamnesis was not detailed can be misdiagnosis. HBVDNA test should considered when the cirrhosis etiology is investigated in Anti-HBs positive patient with cirrhosis. It was presented this case because there is no HBsAg/Anti-HBs seroconversion after cirrhosis published before.