Body weight and body measurements of male and female Pekin ducks obtained from breeder flocks of different age
In total, 144 Pekin ducklings (72 male and 72 female) obtained from breeder flocks of different ages (37 and 135 wks) were used to evaluate body weight and body measurements until 42 days of life. Ducklings were leg-banded for individual identification after hatching and sexing. Body weight and body measurements were taken at hatch and during the 6 weeks experimental period. Time - breeder age and. time - sex interactions were found to be significant (p < 0.001). Growth model of female ducks was modeled with a three parameters logistic regression, whereas, male ducks were modeled with Gompertz model. At hatch, age of the breeder flock and sex affected all of the examined parameters however at slaughter age only body weight was affected. Male ducks were significantly heavier than female ducks at slaughter age.