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dc.contributor.authorYazar H.R.
dc.contributor.authorUluer I.
dc.identifier.citationYazar, H. R., Uluer, İ. (2007). A correspondence between IBA-I and IBA-II model and electromagnetic transitions of some erbium isotopes. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 12(2), 69 - 76.en_US
dc.description.abstractSince the lowest levels are symmetric under the interchange of neutrons and protons from calculations in the interacting boson approximation IBA-2 model, IBA-1 model space, in which neutron and proton degrees of freedom are not distinguished can be considered as a subspace of the IBA-2 model space. Using the microscopic background of the IBA-2 model, a correspondence can be established between IBA-1 and IBA-2 model space. Since the space of the IBA-1 model can be regarded as a subspace of the IBA-2 model there is a unique way to "Project" the operators of the IBA-2 model onto those of IBA-1. This projection can be carried out by using the F-spin formalism. In the IBA-2, the lowest states are indeed fully symmetric, the calculations with the help of this projection, we explore the energy levels and the electric quadrupole transition probabilities B(E2;Ii ? If) and ?-ray E2/M1 mixing ratios for selected transitions of 166-168Er. Owing to admixtures of non-fully-symmetric states in IBA-2, we renormalized the parameters (?) and (?).This is the first time we show that this projection can be applied to some heavier isotopes and the results obtained for 166-168Er isotopes are reasonably in good agreement with the previous experimental values. © Association for Scientific Research.en_US
dc.subjectInteracting boson approximationsen_US
dc.subjectMixing ratiosen_US
dc.subjectThe electric quadrupole transition probabilityen_US
dc.titleA correspondence between IBA-I and IBA-II model and electromagnetic transitions of some erbium isotopesen_US
dc.contributor.departmentKırıkkale Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.journalMathematical and Computational Applicationsen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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