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dc.contributor.authorDemirbas, Yasin
dc.contributor.authorErat, Serkan
dc.descriptionDemirbas, Yasin/0000-0002-3264-3444en_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000350843000029en_US
dc.description.abstractIn the present study, the simple regression analysis using the different morphometric measurements of hares was performed for the estimation of body weight of brown hares (Lepus europaeus) from Anatolia (juveniles versus adults). There was a strong linear relationship between body weight (BW) and ear length (EL) and condylobasal length (CBL) in juvenile Anatolian hares. On the other hand, there was a medium linear relationship between BW and tail length (TL) and CBL in adult Anatolian hares. The prediction models determined explained 94% and 41% of the variation in BW of juvenile and adult Anatolian hares, respectively. The BW showed the highest correlation coefficient value with the CBL (r = 0.964; p < 0.01) in the juvenile hares. Similarly, the BW showed the highest correlation coefficient value with the CBL (r = 0.582; p < 0.01) in the adult hares. Our study revealed that juvenile Anatolian hares presented a greater variability than did adults Anatolian hares with respect to all traits measured. The present study may help scientist to get more information about biologic aspect of mammal species such as Anatolian hare which is at low density in wildlife.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipKirikkale University, the Scientific Research Projects Coordination UnitKirikkale University [2012 / 32, 2013 / 34]en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis study was financially supported by Kirikkale University, the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (Project numbers: 2012 / 32 and 2013 / 34).en_US
dc.publisherZoological Soc Pakistanen_US
dc.subjectAnatolian hareen_US
dc.subjectLepus europaeusen_US
dc.subjectbody weight estimationen_US
dc.subjectregression analysisen_US
dc.subjectphenotypic correlationen_US
dc.titleBody Weight Estimation from Different Morphometric Measurements in Anatolian Hares, Lepus europaeusen_US
dc.contributor.departmentKırıkkale Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.journalPakistan Journal Of Zoologyen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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