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dc.contributor.authorToprak, Sule
dc.contributor.authorKocak, Ulker
dc.contributor.authorMisirlioglu, Emine Dibek
dc.contributor.authorSanli, Cihat
dc.contributor.authorAlbayrak, Meryem
dc.contributor.authorBasar, Hulya
dc.identifier.citationToprak Ş, Koçak Ü, Mısırlıoğlu E, Şanlı C, Albayrak M, Başar H (2016). Remembering the Importance of an Old Friend: History Taking in Preoperative Evaluation of Healthy Children: A Single Center Experience. Gazi Medical Journal, 27(3), 124 - 127.en_US
dc.descriptionAlbayrak, Meryem/0000-0003-2711-5150en_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000386045600005en_US
dc.description.abstractObjective: To investigate the consequences of routine laboratory tests that lead to surgical delay or high cost in patients with a normal medical history and physical examination who undergo minor surgical interventions. Patients and Method: Files of 1,322 patients aged between 0-16 years that had undergone elective surgical intervention within six years were reviewed. Results: Of the 1,322 patients, 1,246 (94.3%) had normal physical examination and laboratory findings. Seventy-six children who had abnormalities in laboratory findings and physical examination were referred to pediatrics. Of the 76 pediatric referees, 42 (55.3%) were reevaluated and were diagnosed with upper respiratory tract infection (n=23; 30.2%), iron deficiency anemia (n=5; 6.5%), innocent murmur (n=4; 5.3%), thalassemia minor (n=2; 2.6%), lower respiratory tract infection (n=2; 2.6%), urinary tract infection (n=1; 1.3%), mumps (n=1; 1.3%), acute gastroenteritis (n=1; 1.3%), minimal aortic and tricuspid valve insufficiency (n=1; 1.3%), minimal aortic stenosis (n=1; 1.3%), atrial septal defect (n=1; 1.3%). Surgical interventions were delayed until the recovery of the infectious diseases. In 25 of the patients, repeated tests showed normal ranges after the second test; however nine (n=9) of the patients showed increased or decreased numbers of white blood cell counts and whose medical history and physical examination revealed signs and symptoms related to infection. Conclusion: Routine laboratory tests contribute little to preoperative evaluation of children with normal history and physical examination undergoing low grade surgery.en_US
dc.publisherGazi Univ, Fac Meden_US
dc.subjectPreoperative evaluationen_US
dc.titleRemembering the Importance of an Old Friend: History Taking in Preoperative Evaluation of Healthy Children: A Single Center Experienceen_US
dc.contributor.departmentKırıkkale Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.journalGazi Medical Journalen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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