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dc.contributor.authorErkan, Sanem Oksan
dc.contributor.authorMuluk, Nuray Bayar
dc.contributor.authorTuhanioglu, Birgul
dc.contributor.authorOzdas, Talih
dc.contributor.authorArslan, Muhammet
dc.contributor.authorArikan, Osman Kursat
dc.contributor.authorGorgulu, Orhan
dc.descriptiongorgulu, orhan/0000-0001-6566-843Xen_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000472025700011en_US
dc.descriptionPubMed: 32008559en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: In the present study, we investigated the relationship between carotico-vertebral Doppler USG measurement results and Vertigo Symptom Scale-Short Form (VSS-SF) in patients with idiopathic vertigo. Methods: Fifty patients with idiopathic vertigo and 30 healthy subjects were included into the study. Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) examination, audiological examination, routine hemogram, bio-chemichal tests and temporal magnetic resonance imaging were performed to diagnose "idiopathic vertigo". By carotico-vertebral Doppler ultrasonography (USG), common carotid artery (CCA) area, intima media thickness; and vertebral artery dimension were measured on the right and left side of the study and control groups. Results: CCA area values were not different between the study and control groups; and between the right and left sides of the each group. On the left side, intima media thickness and vertebral artery dimension values of the vertigo group were significantly higher than those of the control group. Correlation tests showed that CCA area and intima media thickness values on the right and left side were positively correlated with each other. Moreover, in patients with higher right; or left intima media thickness values, left vertebral artery dimensions decreased. Older age was associated with higher intima media thickness in right and left sides. When CCA values decreased on the right side, VSS-SF values increased; and patients' complaints for vertigo got higher. Linear regression analysis (Backward LID) results also showed that the significant compounding factor on VSS-SF was right CCA area. As right CCA area decreased, VSS-SF increased with more vertigo complaints. Whereas, vertigo complaints and VSS-SF decreased when right CCA increased. Conclusion: We concluded that a decrease in the right CCA were linked with higher VSS-SF scores and increasing vertigo symptoms. Whereas, a decrease in the left CCA area and left crabial blood supply are more important related to the left hemispheric dominance in right-handed people. Moreover, an increase in the intima media thickness was also detected in the vertigo patients and it probably causes a decrease in the central blood flow.en_US
dc.publisherBentham Science Publ Ltden_US
dc.subjectIdiopathic vertigoen_US
dc.subjectcarotico-vertebral Doppler ultrasonographyen_US
dc.subjectcommon carotid artery areaen_US
dc.subjectintima media thicknessen_US
dc.titleCarotico-vertebral Doppler Ultrasonography in Patients with Idiopathic Vertigoen_US
dc.contributor.departmentKırıkkale Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.journalCurrent Medical Imagingen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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