Aşan, Nursel Baydemir2020-06-252020-06-252015Aşan, N. B. (2015). Nucleolus organizer regions of Myotismyotis (Borkhausen, 1797) andMiniopterusschreibersii (Kuhl, 1817) (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39(2), 349 - 352.1300-01791303-6114https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/publication/paper/detail/TWpFME1qQXhNUT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12587/1553In this study, Ag-nucleolar organizing region (NOR) banding patterns of Myotis myotis and Miniopterus schreibersii were presented. The karyotype of Myotis myotis has a diploid number (2n) of 44, a fundamental number (NF) of 54, and an autosomal fundamental number (NFa) of 50. The 2n, NF, and NFa numbers of Miniopterus schreibersii were 46, 54, and 56, respectively. In Myotis myotis, a homomorphic NOR was localized in 1 of the medium-sized acrocentric pairs; however, NORs were located in 2 pairs on the secondary constriction of Miniopterus schreibersii.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBiyolojiNucleolus organizer regions of Myotismyotis (Borkhausen, 1797) andMiniopterusschreibersii (Kuhl, 1817) (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from TurkeyOther392349352214201