Kurum, AytulOzen, Asuman2020-06-252020-06-252012closedAccess1300-08611308-2817https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002534https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12587/5344The aim of the study was to examine the changes in the oviduct epithelium during the sexual cycle by light and electron microscope in Akkaraman sheep. In this study; 10 oestral (follicular phase), 10 luteal and 5 anoestral phase samples were collected from the infundibulum, ampulla and istmus regions of oviduct from a total of 25 healthy Akkaraman sheeps having reached their puberty. In the light microscopy, it was also observed that, in oestral phase; height of the cells were higher than luteal phase and in the luteal phase nucleus extrusion were seen in the ampulla and infundibulum. It was detected that findings of the anoestrus phase were similar to dioestrus phase. Amount of secrets of secretory cells in the ampulla were elevated during the oestral phase which was determined by histochemical stains. During the oestral phase by using electron microscope, three types of granules were seen in the secretory cells which were especially located in the ampulla. First type of granule was electron lucent and had moderately electron dense substance which was located separetely, right below the granule membran. Second type of granule had carried electron dense focus which had consantric lamels around of. Some of these types of granules were also seen located eccentric to electron dense focus. Third type of granules, which don't have electron dense focus at the centre, are with consantric lamels. This study showed the histological changes on the oviduct epithelium of Akkaraman sheeps during sexual cycle. The amount and the characterization of the secret in the secretory cells, varied upon the cycle period and the region of the oviduct.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAkkaraman sheepoviductsexual cycleExaminations on the changes in oviduct epithelium during the sexual cycle by light and electron microscope in Akkaraman sheepArticle59424725310.1501/Vetfak_00000025342-s2.0-84904249672Q3WOS:000309621500003Q4