Kılınç, MuhammedÖksüz, ÇiğdemGökmen, DeryaGürbüz, İpekDemirci, CevherAbaoğlu, HaticeYıldırım, Sibel Aksu2025-01-212025-01-2120192147-8945 The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and validity of the ACTIVLIM questionnaire\rfor Turkish-speaking neuromuscular disease (NMD) patients with the Rasch analysis. Material and\rMethods: 169 NMD patients were included in the study. The independence level regarding activities of\rdaily living was assessed using the Functional Independence Measurement (FIM) scale while activity\rlimitation was evaluated with the Activlim questionnaire. All assessments were performed twice, at the\rbeginning of the study and 15 days later. Statistical analysis was done by using Rasch method. Results:\r95 children with a median age of 10 and 74 adults with a median age of 34.5 years were included in the\rstudy. Seventy patients (41.7%) were assessed a second time. Starting with 22 items, one item\r(ACTIVLIM 5- Sitting on the toilet) displayed disordered thresholds, necessitating collapsing of categories.\rAccording to test/retest reliability, none of the items showed differential item functioning. Internal\rconsistency of the scale is sufficent (Cronbach’s alpha 0.94). The scale showed expected correlation with\rFIM scores (Pearson 0.95) which revealed external construct validity of the scale. Discussion: ACTIVLIM\ris found as a reliable and valid questionnaire that can be used in the Turkish NMD population to assess\ractivity limitationeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRehabilitasyonSağlık Bilimleri ve HizmetleriUrkish Adaptation of ACTIVLIM Questionnaire in Neuromuscular Diseases by Rasch AnalysisArticle73135144534810