Pehlivanlı, FarukKaraca, GökhanAydın, OktayAltunkaya, CananŞahiner, İbrahim TayfunÖzden, HüseyinUzun, Hafize2025-01-212025-01-2120192148-9645 Anastomosis on ischemic intestines is a problematicissue in daily surgical routine. In this study, we investigated thepotential effects of thymoquinone, zeolite and platelet rich plasma.Material and Methods: Fifty rats were divided into five groups.In the sham group all rats underwent colonic anastomosis withoutany ischemic insult. Colonic anastomosis was performed aftermesenteric ischemia was induced by clamping the superiormesenteric artery in other study groups. In the control group, nomedication was given to the rats after ishemic anastomosis. InZeolite group and thymoquinone group, Zeolite and thymoquinonewere applied locally on the anastomosis. In the platelet richplasma group, platelet rich plasma was applied locally on theanastomosis. All the rats were sacrified on the 10th day. Blood andtissue samples were retrieved.Results: Hydroxyproline levels were not different between thegroups. Bursting pressure was higher in the thymoquinone groupthan the control group. Reepithelization was higher than thezeolite group in the sham and thymoquinone groups. TNF-? andIL 1? levels were significantly higher in the sham group than allthe other groups. TNF-? and IL 1? levels were also significantlyhigher in the thymoquinone, zeolite and platelet rich plasmagroups than the control group and higher in the thymoquinonegroup than the zeolite and platelet rich plasma groups.Inflammation and ischemic necrosis levels were not differentbetween the groups.Conclusion: Our data is suggesting that thymoquinone andplatelet rich plasma have positive effects on ischemic anastomosishealing, while thymoquinone has the best results.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGenel ve Dahili TıpPatolojiHücre BiyolojisiCerrahiEFFECTS OF THYMOQUINONE, ZEOLITE AND PLATELET RICH PLASMA ON THE HEALING OF ISCHEMIC COLONIC ANASTOMOSISArticle2116572414860