Yuksel, UlasOgden, MustafaAkkurt, IbrahimBakar, BulentKisa, UclerOzveren, Mehmet Faik2020-06-252020-06-252018Yüksel U., Öğden M., Akkurt İ., Bakar B., Kısa Ü., Özveren M. F. (2018). İntrakranial kanamaların prognozunda biyokimyasal belirteçler. Cukurova Medical Journal, 43(2), 350 - 359.2602-30322602-3040https://doi.org/10.17826/cumj.341851https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12587/7529KISA, Ucler/0000-0002-8131-6810Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine prognosis of patients with intracranial hemorrhage by examining routine laboratory findings. Materials and Methods: Patients were divided into three groups according to hemorrhage type (subarachnoid hemorrhage, spontaneous intracerebral hematoma, subdural hematoma). Then serum sodium, potassium, C-reactive protein, blood leukocyte count and neutrophil percentage values were measured pre- and postoperatively. Results: Twenty-eight patients (10 female, 18 male) were included in study. There was no difference among groups in terms of all parameters. However, postoperative leukocyte counts were higher than preoperative values in intracerebral hematoma group; and postoperative sodium levels were higher than preoperative values in subarachnoid hemorrhage group. There was found negative correlation between Glasgow Outcome Scale scores and preoperative neutrophil, preoperative and postoperative sodium values in subarachnoid hemorrhage group. A negative correlation was found between Glasgow Outcome Scale scores and preoperative C-reactive protein values in subdural hematoma group. Conclusion: Study results suggested that pre-and postoperative serum sodium values in subarachnoid hemorrhage; age, Glasgow Coma Scale score, pre-and post-operative C-reactive protein values in spontaneous intracerebral hematoma; and preoperative C-reactive protein values in subdural hematoma were considered to be predictors of patient prognosis.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessC-reactive proteinGlasgow Outcome Scaleintracranial hemorrhageprognosisBiochemical markers in the prognosis of intracranial hemorrhagesArticle43235035910.17826/cumj.341851295411WOS:000437950000012N/A