Bayram, AbdullahKayhan, Nazife YiğitDanışman, TarıkÖcal, İlkay ÇorakSancak, ZaferUlaşoğlu, Derya2020-06-252020-06-252007Bayram, A., Kayhan, N. Y., Danışman, T., Öcal, İ. Ç., Sancak, Z., Ulaşoğlu, D. (2007). Venomous spiders of Turkey (Araneae). Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 1(3), 33 - 36.1307-11302146-0108 50.000 species have been described on the world. Among them about 100 species are dangerous for human. Members of Latrodectus and Loxosceles share the habitats of human beings. Chemically, spider venom is heterogeneous, and contains poly peptide, poly amine, nucleic acid, free amino acid, monoamine, neurotoxin, enzyme and inorganic elements. In enzymes, proteases, hyaluronidase, sphingo-myelinase, phospholipase and isomerase form necrosis. Venom is neurotoxic, and it causes paralysis. In Turkey, some species of Latrodectus, Steatoda, Loxosceles, Cheiracanthium, Segestria, Agelena, Tegenaria, Araneus and Argiope are venomous. The specimens that collected from different habitats and localities of Turkey were examined under stereo microscope. They were identified as species level, and the venom organs of some spiders were investigated morphologically with the light and electron microscopeeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBiyolojiVenomous spiders of Turkey (Araneae)Article13333673310