Türkel, YakupAlpua, MuratAdıgüzel, AhmetHabipoğlu, YasinDağ, Ersel2021-01-142021-01-1420151304-6187https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TWpNMk1UYzBOQT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12587/13720Dyke Davidoff Mason Sendromu(DDMS) serebral hemiatrofinin mevcut olduğu hemiparezi ve rekürren epileptik nöbetlerle karakterize bir sendromdur. Biz de absans nöbetlerle prezente olan kranyal MR'ında hemisferik atrofinin mevcut olduğu tipik bir DDMS olgusu sunmak istedik. Olgunun çekilen elektroensefalografisinde jeneralize 3 Hz diken dalga deşarjları izlendi. Hastanın takibinde uygun antiepileptik tedavi ile nöbetleri kontrol altına alındıDyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome (DDMS) consist of cerebral hemiatrophy and ipsilateral skull thickening, and is manifested by hemiparesis and recurrent seizures. We present one case with typical DDMS which has been presented with absence seizures. MRI demonstrated the hemispheric atrophy. Electroencephalography (EEG) demonstrated generalized 3 Hz spike and wave discharges. During follow up, the patient was seizure free with appropriate antiepileptic therapytrinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGenel ve Dahili TıpABSANS NÖBET İLE BAŞVURAN DYKE DAVİDOFF MASSON SENDROMU OLGUSUDYKE DAVIDOFF MASSON SYNDROME PRESENTING WITH ABSENCE SEIZURESArticle4828890236174