Midi, AhmetKumandaş, AliEkici, HüsamettinBayraktar, FeyzanurKarapirli, KübraKarahan, SiyamiÖzyürek, H. Emel2020-06-252020-06-252019Midi, A., Kumandaş, A., Ekici, H., Bayraktar, F., Karapirli, K., Karahan, S., Türk, M., Özyürek, H. E. (2019). Investigation of the Efficacy of Algan Hemostatic Agent in Liver Laceration Model in Rats. Eurasian Journal of Medicine and Oncology, 3(1), 37 - 42.2587-24002587-196Xhttps://doi.org/10.14744/ejmo.2018.0008https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/publication/paper/detail/TXpNek5USTVPUT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12587/1437Objectives: Bleeding control is crucial in preventing negative consequences by reducing blood loss in surgical operations. The aim of this study is to evaluate the hemostatic effect of a new herbal hemostatic agent called Algan Hemostatic Agent (AHA) in an uncontrolled bleeding model made by liver laceration.Methods: In these study 5–7 weeks-old 64 rats were used. Rats were randomly divided into 8 groups each consistingof eight rats (4 groups heparinize and 4 groups non-heparinize). The experimental liver laceration was performed, andphysiological serum impregnated gauze was applied to the control group for hemorrhage control, AHA liquid formimpregnated gauze, AHA gel, and AHA powder form were applied to experimental groups, respectively.Results: The shortest bleeding time was found in the AHA powder group. The AHA powder form stopped the bleedingin the heparinize group for a mean of 4 s, the non-heparinized group for 2 s. This was followed by the gel group and theliquid group. The bleeding time was significantly shorter in the all AHA group compared to the control group.Conclusion: This study showed that AHA is a highly effective hemostatic agent in controlling bleeding compared tothe control group.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBiyolojiAlerjiAndrolojiAnesteziOdyoloji ve Konuşma-Dil PatolojisiBiyokimya ve Moleküler BiyolojiBiyofizikKalp ve Kalp Damar SistemiHücre BiyolojisiKlinik NörolojiYoğun Bakım, TıpDermatolojiAcil TıpEndokrinoloji ve MetabolizmaGastroenteroloji ve HepatolojiGeriatri ve GerontolojiSağlık Bilimleri ve HizmetleriHematolojiİmmünolojiEnfeksiyon HastalıklarıTamamlayıcı ve Entegre TıpTıbbi Laboratuar TeknolojisiGenel ve Dahili TıpTıbbi Araştırmalar DeneyselMikrobiyolojiNörolojik BilimlerKadın Hastalıkları ve DoğumOnkolojiGöz HastalıklarıOrtopediKulak, Burun, BoğazPatolojiPediatriPeriferik Damar HastalıklarıFizyolojiTemel Sağlık HizmetleriPsikiyatriHalk ve Çevre SağlığıRadyoloji, Nükleer Tıp, Tıbbi GörüntülemeRehabilitasyonSolunum SistemiRomatolojiSpor BilimleriCerrahiTransplantasyonTropik TıpÜroloji ve NefrolojiInvestigation of the Efficacy of Algan Hemostatic Agent in Liver Laceration Model in RatsArticle31374210.14744/ejmo.2018.00082-s2.0-85094915440Q2333529WOS:000604245600007N/A