Öçal, Şamil2021-01-142021-01-142013Bu makale açık erişimli değildir.1301-0875https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TWpjNU56VXhNUT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12587/13109Al-Fârâbî is known for his systematization of Logic in the History of the İslamic Thought. This paper deals With the use of existence as predicate in ontology logic and language, and the debates on it. The main aim here, is to indicate the difficulties that had been when the Aristotetle’s logical terminology was translated in the books of Early İslamic Philosophers. sees that al-Fârâbî’s books include good example for it. To an extent, modern discussions about the exisetential terminology have been dealt with.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessFelsefeThe Status Of “Existence” The Ontological, Linguistic And Logical Meanings Of “Existence” According To Al-FarabiVARLIĞIN HALLERİ: FARABİ’YE GÖRE ‘VARLIK’IN ONTOLOJİK, DİLSEL VE MANTIKSAL ANLAMLARIArticle0573658trdizinikyoktur