Yildiz, DincerBuyukcopur, Emine Umran BozkurtGultiken, Murat ErdemYildiz, Kader2020-06-252020-06-252015Yıldız, Dinçer; Büyükçopur, Emine Ümran Bozkurt; Gültiken, Murat Erdem; And Yıldız, Kader (2015) "The first report of Eucoleus dispar (Nematoda: Capillariidae) inthe common buzzard (Buteo buteo) in Turkey," Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences: Vol. 39(6), 751-753.1300-0128https://doi.org/10.3906/vet-1506-62https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12587/6281YILDIZ, Kader/0000-0001-5802-6156A common buzzard (Buteo buteo) was brought to the Department of Anatomy, Kirikkale University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, following its death from trauma. The tongue of the buzzard was processed for routine histology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. A curled Eucoleus dispar and its eggs, embedded in the dorsal epithelium of the tongue, were observed in histological sections during morphological analysis of the papillae lingua in the buzzard under a light microscope. According to the authors' knowledge, this is the first report on E. dispar in the buzzard in Turkey.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEucoleus disparButeo buteoparasiteNematodaThe first report of Eucoleus dispar (Nematoda: Capillariidae) in the common buzzard (Buteo buteo) in TurkeyArticle39675175310.3906/vet-1506-622-s2.0-84947903639Q3WOS:000365509400020Q4