Sarıkaya, Yakup2020-06-252020-06-252005closedAccess13003984 are one of cultural bridges of Turkish world. Edige epic is one of the epics narrated in more than a Turk communities in the Turkish epic tradition. This epic is still narrated through its variants in not only Crimea and Qazan Tartars but also in Altay, Kazak, Nogay Karakalpak, Bashkurt, Uzbek and Turkmen. This epic is defined as Edige in Kazak and Crimea (Tartar) Turks, Edigey in Bashkurt, Nogay, Kazan (Tartar) Turks, Idige in Karakalpak Turks, too. Two different variants recently of this epic have been defined which are "Tulum Biy" in Uzbeks and "Tulum Hodja" in Turkmens. There are great resemblances between Turkmens' Tulum Hodja epic and Nogay Turks' Edige epic. In this work Edige epic, whose geographical area is consisted of Golden Horde, Grand Turkestan and Siberia is compared with Tulum Hodja epic of Turkmens through the figures and events. The comparison is based on such works: Rustem Sulti's "Edigey", İ.A. Belyayev's "Skazaniya o Edige i Togtamişe" and Ashim Sheyhaliyev's "Nogaydin Kirk Batiri" for Edige epic, Baba Veliyev's "Tulum Hoca -Dessan-" for Tulum Hodja epic, too. When compared these two epics it is realized that almost figures are the same even their names with phonetical variations, but events are totaly different.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessEdigeEpicEventFigureTulum HodjaTurkmenA comparison between the legend of "Tulum Hodja" and "the epic story of Edige" from the viewpoints of figures and eventsTulum Hoca ve Edi?ge destanlarinin ti?p ve vakalar bakimindan karşilaştirilmasiArticle9681391502-s2.0-65849440924Q3