Cilek, Suleyman2020-06-252020-06-252015closedAccess0367-8318, suleyman/0000-0002-2352-649XThis experimental research was carried out to determinate effects of age and sex on body weight and some body measurements of Malya sheep (11/16 Akkaraman x 5/16 Deutsches Merinofleischschaf). Body measurements, wither height, rump height, back height, rump length, rump width, front cannon bone circumference, body length, chest circumference, chest depth, chest length, chest width, tail length, tail-tarsal joint distance, and tail width were recorded. This is the first study on body measurements of Malya breed sheep and rams. General linear model was used in Minitab program to investigate effects of age and sex on these traits. Duncan multiple range test was used for multiple comparisons in important subgroups. The least square means of body weight of male and female at 1-year-old, 2-year-old, 3-year-old, 4-year-old and 5 years and older were estimated. Effect of age and sex on all body measurements were significant except for effect of age on back height.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessBody measurementsBody weightMalya sheepSemi-fat tailEffects of age and sex on some body measurements and body weight in Malya sheepArticle8599799842-s2.0-84941336213Q4WOS:000361580300010Q4