Cingi, CemalMuluk, Nuray BayarCobanoglu, BenguCatli, TolgahanDikici, Oguzhan2020-06-252020-06-252015Cingi C, Muluk NB, Cobanoglu B, Çatli T, Dikici O. Nasobronchial interaction. World J Clin Cases 2015; 3(6): 499-503.2307-8960 and lower airways can be considered as a unified morphofunctional unit. In this paper, nasobronchial interactions are evaluated based on literature. To discuss nasobronchial interactions, literature review from PubMed since 1982 is evaluated. Data base was including the terms "nasobronchial interaction, nasal and bronchial". Asthma and rhinosinusitis may be associated with environmental factors and immunological predisposition. Treatment of rhinosinusitis may decrease asthma exacerbations. It was concluded that "one airway, one disease"-concept may be accepted when considering naso-bronchial interaction. Asthma treatment should also mean treating the nose as good as treating patients with nasal symptoms. To reach the succesful results it should be associated with evaluation of lung functions.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNasalBronchialNasobronchial interactionReflexAirwayNasobronchial interactionReview Article3649950310.12998/wjcc.v3.i6.49926090369WOS:000417237300004N/A