Gunduzoz, Guldane2020-06-252020-06-252017Gündüzöz, Güldane. “Anadolu Derviş Sofrasında Hoca Ahmed Yesevî’nin İzleri Derviş Lokmasının Menkıbevî Referansları-Traces of Khwāja Aḥmad al-Yasawī in the Anatolian Lodge Cuisine Legendary Sources of Dervish Lodge”. Cumhuriyet Ilahiyat Dergisi-Cumhuriyet Theology Journal 21, sy. 2 (2017): 1217-1247.2528-98612528-987X have participated in migrations to Anatolia from different regions. They have established their lodges including places that are not suitable for residence. These buildings have provided food and safe beds for those traveling to this area. For this reason, the lodge cuisine is an important material culture that provides life for the people. At the same time, the lodge cuisine has an important place in the formation spirituality of the dervishes. In many subjects, Anatolian lodge cuisine carries the traces of Yasawi culture. Especially in the sects like Mawlawiyya and Bektashiyya, the kitchen is like an education quarry about the dressage of the dervishes. Accordingly, it is seen that some of the dishes and foods in the lodge work, it is seen that these foods and goods have a connection to explain the structure of the Yasawi tradition. An important aspect that supports this idea is the fact that some dervish dowries which found in some legends have some items associated with the tableware.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKhwaja Ahmad al-YasawiLodgeCuisineSymbolDateCauldronTraces of Khwaja Ahmad al-Yasawi in the Anatolian Lodge Cuisine Legendary Sources of Dervish LodgeArticle2121217124710.18505/cuid.3309052-s2.0-85045753820Q3WOS:000418009600015N/A