Öcal O.2020-06-252020-06-25200813025600https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12587/2007Nazariyyat-ı Edebiyye (Literary Theory, by Reşit) is a rhetorical and literary theory transforming Hyppolite Taine's ideas on criticism to the level of literary theory. Furhermore, this work modernizes the technical terms belonging to traditional rhetoric, renewing the contents. It also transforms literary views of Servet-i Fünun generation to literary theory. In additin, it enlarges Talim-i Edebiyai (Literature Education) and its followers in the theoretical subjects. This work altogether is a rhetorical and literary theory which broadens the epoch of Talim-i Edebiyat through theoretical background of Servet-i Fünun generation. In this paper, first of all Nazariyyat-i Edebiyye will be introduced, then it will be investigated for the novelty it has brought to literary theory.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessElequenceHyppolite taineNazariyyat-ı edebiyyeReşit (ahmet reşit rey)RhetoricTheory of literatureThe Nazariyyat-I edebiyye of reşitReşit'in Nazariyyat-I edebiyyesiArticle1781771912-s2.0-77949946761Q476424