Karaca, AydaCaglar, EmineCinemre, Suekrue Alpan2020-06-252020-06-252009Karaca, A., Çağlar, E., & Cinemre, Ş. A. (2009). Physical activity levels of the young adults in an economically developing country: the turkish sample. Journal of Human Kinetics, 22(2009), 91-98.1640-5544https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12587/4329Caglar, Emine/0000-0001-6771-8955The purpose of this study was to examine the physical activity levels of the young adults in Turkey, selected as all example of all economically developing country. A total of 1027 university students voluntarily participated ill this study. The sport and household activity indexes of the Physical Activity Assessment Questionnaire (PAAQ) were administered to the subjects. Student t-test showed gender differences in the intensity of the sport activities index (p<0.001). The results of 2 (gender) x 2 (intensity of sport activities) univariate ANOVA revealed significant gender, intensity differences and significant gender x intensity interaction oil participation duration in the sports activities. This finding showed that males spent more time ill both vigorous and non-vigorous sport activities than females. hi terms of the type of engagement in sport activity, the majority of males primarily played soccer, while females had primarily walked. The Student t test revealed gender differences tit both the duration of housework and sitting ill the house. To conclude, males participated in sport activities with a higher intensity and spent more time oil these activities than females. Oil the other hand, females spent much more tit-tic on housework activities and sitting tit the house than males.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessphysical activity levelgenderyoung adultdeveloping countryPhysical Activity Levels of the Young Adults in an Economically Developing Country: The Turkish SampleArticle2291982-s2.0-75149160502Q1WOS:000273915700013Q4