Sarpun, Ismail HakkiAydin, AbdullahTel, Eyyup2020-06-252020-06-252017Sarpun, I. H., Aydin, A., Tel, E., (2017). Double differential light charged particle emission cross sections for some structural fusion materials. Plompen, A., Hambsch, F. J., Schillebeeckx, P., Mondelaers, W., Heyse, J., Kopecky, S., Siegler, P., Oberstedt, S., (ed.) International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND). 146, (Article Number: 09026). DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714609026978-2-7598-9020-02100-014X Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND) -- SEP 11-16, 2016 -- Bruges, BELGIUMSARPUN, Ismail Hakki/0000-0002-9788-699XIn fusion reactors, neutron induced radioactivity strongly depends on the irradiated material. So, a proper selection of structural materials will have been limited the radioactive inventory in a fusion reactor. First-wall and blanket components have high radioactivity concentration due to being the most flux-exposed structures. The main objective of fusion structural material research is the development and selection of materials for reactor components with good thermo-mechanical and physical properties, coupled with low-activation characteristics. Double differential light charged particle emission cross section, which is a fundamental data to determine nuclear heating and material damages in structural fusion material research, for some elements target nuclei have been calculated by the TALYS 1.8 nuclear reaction code at 14-15 MeV neutron incident energy and compared with available experimental data in EXFOR library. Direct, compound and pre-equilibrium reaction contribution have been theoretically calculated and dominant contribution have been determined for each emission of proton, deuteron and alpha particle.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessDouble differential light charged particle emission cross sections for some structural fusion materialsConference Object14610.1051/epjconf/2017146090262-s2.0-85030454226N/AWOS:000426429500253N/A