Atil, FethiKocyigit, Ismail DorukSuer, Berkay TolgaAlp, Yunus EmreYazan, MurudeTekin, UmutTuz, Hakan H.2020-06-252020-06-252016Fethi Atil, Ismail Doruk Kocyigit, Berkay Tolga Suer, Yunus Emre Alp, Mürüde Yazan, Umut Tekin, Hakan H. Tuz; Clinical Evaluation of the Use of Tibial Bone Grafting in Dentoalveolar Reconstructive Surgery. Med Princ Pract 1 December 2015; 25 (1): 72–78.1011-75711423-0151, Fethi/0000-0002-8286-4819; yazan, murude/0000-0003-0618-9070Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of tibial autogenous bone grafting in the treatment of patients with alveolar bone defects. Materials and Methods: The study subjects consisted of 12 patients (10 male, 2 female, age: 19-51 years) who underwent reconstructive autogenous bone-grafting procedures. The medial approach to the tibial bone was used to harvest autogenous cancellous bone grafts in all the patients. Clinical parameters (complications at the donor and recipient sites, resorption and volume of the grafts) were evaluated retrospectively. Results: The mean age of the patients was 36.25 +/- 0.9 years. Of the 12 patients, 5 (41.7%) received bone grafts for sinus augmentation, 3 (25%) for cyst cavity reconstruction and 4 (33.3%) for alveolar cleft reconstruction procedures. The average follow-up period was 28.4 months (range: 21-40 months). An average of 5.2 cm(3) of cancellous bone was harvested for grafting procedures. All the grafting procedures were successful, and there were no surgical complications during the harvesting protocol. In all cases, pain and gait disturbance lasted less than 2 weeks. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the use of tibial autogenous bone graft harvested using a medial approach was a safe, simple and effective method for grafting various alveolar bone defects where high amounts of cancellous bone grafts were needed with low morbidity. (C) 2015 S. Karger AG, Baseleninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAutogenous bone graftTibial boneDentoalveolar surgeryClinical Evaluation of the Use of Tibial Bone Grafting in Dentoalveolar Reconstructive SurgeryArticle251727810.1159/0004409982-s2.0-8495438943926501218Q1WOS:000368075600014Q2