Buyukyoruk, SadikAyaz, Naim D.Gencay, Yilmaz E.Beyaz, DevrimKocak, Pelin2020-06-252020-06-252014closedAccess1364-727X1471-0307, Yilmaz Emre/0000-0002-2154-9663Species distribution, virulence traits and vancomycin resistance gene profiles of Enterococcus isolated from 43 home-made artisan cheese samples collected from open markets, located in Aydin region of Turkey, were investigated. Of the 129 isolates, 95 were identified as Enterococcus sp.; Enterococcus faecium being the most prevalent species (82.1%), followed by Enterococcus faecalis (13.6%) and Enterococcus durans (1.0%). None of the enterococci were harbouring vanA or vanC, while seven isolates (7.3%) were shown to harbour vanB gene by multiplex PCR. gelE (49.4%) being the most prevalent virulence factor was followed by asa1 (27.3%), esp (22.1%), cylA (4.2%) and hyl (3.1%).eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessEnterococcus spCheeseVancomycin resistanceVirulence factorsSpecies distribution, molecular characteristics and vancomycin resistance gene profiles of Enterococcus sp isolates from farmhouse cheeses in western TurkeyArticle67110310910.1111/1471-0307.120902-s2.0-84892439369Q1WOS:000330641600012Q3