Gündüzöz, Güldane2021-01-142021-01-142019Gündüzöz, G. (2019). Some Ideas On The References Of Legendary Typology Of The Holy Fāṭimain SHĪ‘Ī Thought System. Dini Araştırmalar, 22(55), 9 - 26.1301-966X2602-2435https://doi.org/10.15745/da.552017https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TXpJME1USXdNQT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12587/13812Historically F??ima the daughter of Muhammad b. ‘Abd All?h, the Prophet of Islam, by his first wife, Khad?ja b. Khuwaylid has an ontological and eschatological meaning in Sh?‘? thought. It is important to reveal the nature of this situation and to analyze the analogy with the Sacred Mary. Figure of F??ima is very different in the Sh?‘? thought system. There is a system of thinking that transcends historical data. An image of the Sacred F??ima, which has an active role in both existential and eternal dimension, is envisaged in this thought. This conception played a role in the institutionalization of the Im?m? Sh?‘? theory within the Sh?‘? tradition. F??ima’s charisma was organized in a similar way to the Saint Mary’s. This charisma has aspects of the hereafter such as intercession and mediation. This charisma also has worldly indicators of healing. Sacred F??ima and Mary are evaluated in a similar “ordeal” event. This analogy shows itself in various nomenclature, virginity, fertility, chastity, intercession, healing and fertility, becoming a celestial being, coming to the world as a divine being subjects. Finally on one hand F??ima figure is shaped as a spiritual source in a historical structure, on the other hand, as in the notion of Virgin Mary, it took an iconographic form in the Sh?‘? thought. Thus F??ima is conceived as an intercessor of wisdom, close to the mediatory concept in Christianity in the Sh?‘? thought system. Sacred F??ima was accepted as a source of healing and fertility. Especially this figure is impressed by Sacred Mary as much as she is influenced by “The Umayiyesi-Umay Ana Figure” in the Altaic area. As a result of this icon appeared in the form of “Hamsa: Hand of F??ima” in Sh?‘? public. This paper examines how the important and respected F??ima is judged to be a reference point for certain beliefs and acceptances in historical and religious perspectives. This paper also examines how F??ima has been transformed into a cult entity in Sh?‘? thought. As a result of this transformation, F??ima’s image is used as a reference in the Sh?‘? literature in formation of upper concepts such as Im?m? Sh?‘? sm, custody and intercession.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessTarihBeşeri BilimlerMantıkDin BilimiSome Ideas On The References Of Legendary Typology Of The Holy Fāṭimain SHĪ‘Ī Thought SystemArticle225592610.15745/da.552017324120