Günal, Yasemin Dere2025-01-212025-01-2120201300-74162602-2109https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/463912https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12587/22938Objective Amyand's hernia is the presence of appendix in thehernia sac and rarely seen. The diagnosis is mostlymade incidentally during the operation performed dueto the incarcerated inguinal hernia. It is aimed to pre sent the experience about this rare pathology.Materials and Methods A retrospective analysis of 10 children with Amyand'shernia operated by a single pediatric surgeon betwe en 2011 and 2017 was performed. Demographic fea tures (age, gender), complaints, treatment methods,histopathological findings and postoperative resultswere evaluated. Results All patients were male. The average age of patientswas 12.02 months (17 days-8 years) and all had aright inguinal hernia. Emergency surgery was perfor med in 4 of the patients with an initial diagnosis ofincarcerated inguinal hernia. The remaining 6 patientswere diagnosed incidentally during elective herniop lasty. While 9 patients were treated with conventionalhernia repair, only one underwent laparoscopy. Surgi cal findings included 7 normal appendices ve 3 infla med appendices. Of the 3 patients with appendix ad hered to the hernia sac, 2 has appendicitis and 1 haslymphoid hyperplasia. Appendectomy was performedduring inguinal hernia repair in 4 patients and herniarepair was performed in 6 patients without appende ctomy. Recurrent hernias were not observed in anypatients. Conclusion Amyand's hernia should be kept in mind in the diffe rential diagnosis of patients with right inguinal hernia.The inflammation status of appendix adhering to thehernia sac should be carefully evaluated for an ap propriate treatment decision.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPediatriCerrahiAMYAND’S HERNIA IN PEDIATRIC AGE:A SINGLE SURGEON EXPERIENCEArticle273403408463912