Cakan, ErgulButurak, Sadiye VisalOzcicek, GamzeKocak, Orhan MuratRezaki, Hatice OzdemirOzpolat, Ayse Gul YilmazOguzturk, Omer2020-06-252020-06-252016Ergul Cakan, Şadiye Visal Buturak, Gamze Ozcicek, Orhan Murat Kocak, Hatice Ozdemir Rezaki, Ayşe Gul Yılmaz Ozpolat, Omer Oğuzturk (2016) The relationship between self-stigma due to seeking psychological help and social/ cultural intelligence in medical students. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 6 (3), 140-5.2146-14732146-2380 In this study it was aimed to investigate the relationship between social and cultural intelligence and self-stigma that was defined as a hallmark of shame, disgrace or disapproval by World Health Organization. Method: Tromso Social Intelligence Scale (TSIS), Cultural Intelligence Scale (CIS), Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSS) and Self-Stigma of Seeking Psychological Help Scale (SSPHS) were applied to the 1st, 4th, and 6th grade medical students who agreed to participate in the study. Results: Significantly positive corelation between SSPHS scores and LSAS scores, negative correlation between SSPHS scores and TSIS, CIC scores were found in this study. Furthermore, it was found that TSIS scores were predicting the SSPHS scores significantly, albeit weakly. Conclusions: It was shown that self-stigma had a negative effect on functionality as social stigma. Further research studies are needed to examine the factors that influence self-stigma in healthy and psychiatric patient cohorts. This study showed that social intelligence had an important effect on self-stigma.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessstigmacultural intelligencesocial intelligenceself-esteemThe relationship between self-stigma due to seeking psychological help and social/cultural intelligence in medical studentsArticle6314014510.5455/jmood.20160425051533WOS:000387949500006N/A