Bozkurt, MCTagil, SMErsoy, MTekdemir, I2020-06-252020-06-252004closedAccess0897-3806 dissection of the right forearm of a 27-year-old female cadaver, variations in the form and insertion of the palmaris longus muscle were observed. The tendon of the palmaris longus muscle, which demonstrated a centrally placed belly, split into two tendons: one inserted into the palmar aponeurosis and the other into the proximal part of the flexor retinaculum. Additionally, we found an accessory muscle extending between the flexor retinaculum and the tendon of the abductor digiti minimi muscle. This accessory muscle was located deep to the ulnar artery but superficial to the superficial and deep branches of the ulnar nerve at the wrist. Finally, an aberrant branch of the ulnar nerve was identified in the forearm; it travelled distally alongside the ulnar artery and in the palm demonstrated communications with common palmar digital nerves from the ulnar and the median nerves. No variations were observed in the contralateral upper limb.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessvariationulnar nervepalmaris longusabductor digiti minimiMuscle variations and abnormal branching and course of the ulnar nerve in the forearm and handArticle171646610.1002/ca.100942-s2.0-034759540114695591Q1WOS:000187803700013Q3