Yilmaz, BaşarUysal, GümrahAral, Ali2025-01-212025-01-2120211846-579Xhttps://doi.org/10.7153/jmi-2021-15-75https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12587/23544We propose two modifications for Gauss-Weierstrass operators and moment-type operators which fix eax and e2ax with a>0. First, we present moment identities for new operators. Then, we discuss weighted approximation and prove Voronovskaya-type theorems for them in exponentially weighted spaces. Using modulus of continuity in exponentially weighted spaces, we obtain some global smoothness preservation properties. We give a comparison result for Gauss-Weierstrass operators. Finally, we provide some graphical illustrations that show that modified operators perform better than classical ones. © 2021,Journal of Mathematical Inequalities. All rights reserved.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGauss-Weierstrass operators; moment-type operators; Voronovskaya-type theorem; weighted approximationReconstruction Of Two Approximation Processes In Order To Reproduce eax And e2ax, a > 0Article1531101111810.7153/jmi-2021-15-752-s2.0-85110295070Q2