Asal, NeseMuluk, Nuray BayarInal, MikailSahan, Mehmet HamdiDogan, AdilButurak, Sadiye Visal2020-06-252020-06-252018closedAccess0937-44771434-4726, MIKAIL/0000-0003-0642-7913ObjectivesIn the present study, we investigated olfactory bulb (OB) volume and olfactory sulcus (OS) depth of the psychotic patients (predominantly schizophrenia) and patients with anxiety disorder/depression.MethodsThis study was conducted retrospectively. Group 1 consisted of 30 psychotic patients (predominantly schizophrenia) (19 males and 11 females). Group 2 consisted of 37 patients with anxiety disorder/depression (10 males, 27 females). Group 3 consisted of 30 non-psychotic and non-anxiety disorder/depression subjects (9 males and 21 females). OB volume and OS depth measurements were performed on Cranial MRI.ResultsOB volume (right and left) of the psychotic; and anxiety disorder/depression groups were significantly lower than those of the control group (p(adjusted)<0.0175). OS depth (Left) value of anxiety disorder/depression group was significantly lower than those of the control group (p(adjusted)<0.0175). In psychotic and anxiety disorder/depression groups, left OS depth values were significantly lower than those of the right side (p<0.05). In each of the males and females of the anxiety disorder/depression group, left OS depth values were significantly lower than those of the right side (p<0.05). In psychotic group, OS depth (left) values get lower in older patients (p<0.05).ConclusionDecreased OB volume in the psychotic patients and decreased OB volume and OS depth in anxiety disorder/depression patients were detected. Lower OB volume and OS depth are related to the olfactory loss/or olfactory impairment. Physicians should be aware of the olfactory deficits in psychotic patients (mainly schizophrenia) and patients with anxiety disorder/depression. When reduced OB volume is detected on MRI, psychosis, schizophrenia or depression should also be kept in mind and the patients should be evaluated in detail for these diseases.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessOlfactory bulb volumeOlfactory sulcus depthCranial MRIPsychosisSchizophreniaAnxiety disorderdepressionOlfactory bulbus volume and olfactory sulcus depth in psychotic patients and patients with anxiety disorder/depressionArticle275123017302410.1007/s00405-018-5187-x2-s2.0-8505611753830382395Q1WOS:000450099400015Q2