Baran, I.Nalcaci, R.Kocak, M.2020-06-252020-06-252010closedAccess1601-5029 congenita (DKC) is an inherited disorder that usually presents in males, consisting of the triad of leukoplakia of the mucous membranes, nails dystrophy and skin pigmentation. Oral and dental abnormalities may also be present. Most cases are X-linked autosomal dominant, but recessive forms have also been reported. This study describes herein a case in which the classic triad of signs was present, along with the development of leukoplakia in the buccal mucosa. Our patient, a 25-year-old man, presented with several characteristic systemic features of this condition, together with the following oral features: hypodontia, delayed dental eruption, short blunt roots, extensive caries, gingival inflammation and bleeding, loss of alveolar bone and buccal mucosa with leukoplakia and irregular ulcers. The patient was given full preventive care. The primary teeth were extracted under local anaesthesia. After establishing optimal oral health, oral hygiene instructions were given to the patient and he was rehabilitated with fixed and removable partial denture. Prosthetic treatments were carried out after establishing optimal oral health. This treatment option appears beneficial in this patient, resulting in rehabilitation of occlusion and less mechanical irritation to the oral mucosa.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessdyskeratosis congenitaleukoplakiaoral mucosaDyskeratosis congenita: clinical report and review of the literatureArticle81687410.1111/j.1601-5037.2009.00364.x2-s2.0-7795088062120096085Q1WOS:000289426000012N/A