Balcı, MahiAkkaya, Merva AydemirDevrim, Tuba2025-01-212025-01-2120201305-49532587-1579 comprise a very rare group of salivary gland tumors, the two types of which are defined as sebaceousand non-sebaceous lymphadenomas. In the case presented here, a patient presented with swelling in the right parotid gland, and themass seen by ultrasonography was suggestive of pleomorphic adenoma. According to fine needle aspiration biopsy, the presence oflymphoid and epithelial cells first suggested a diagnosis of Warthin tumor. However, the presence of cystic degenerated ductalstructures and the solid, benign nature of the epithelial islands intertwined with mature lymphoid cells in the biopsied specimenshowed no sebaceous differentiation, and thus, the case was reported as “non-sebaceous lymphadenoma.” We aimed to present therelevant literature and our case of non-sebaceous lymphadenoma, whose clinicopathological features and etiopathogenesis are notclearly understood, since it is considered to be underreported due to its sonographic and histomorphological similarities topleomorphic adenoma and Warthin tumor.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGenel ve Dahili TıpDiş HekimliğiPatolojiOnkolojiNon-Sebaceous Lymphadenoma: A Rare Salivary Gland TumorArticle42518218610.20515/otd.776948408137