Guler, Ayse2020-06-252020-06-252012Guler, Ayse. (2012). Art for All Ages: A Lifelong Desire and Hard Work. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 51. 353–361.1877-0428 Conference on Design, Arts and Education (DAE) -- MAY 01-04, 2012 -- Antalya, TURKEYArt education is a lifelong necessity for adults as well as it is for children. The aim of this study is to show that by means of art education given by the experts of the field a desire for art can be motivated especially among people outside this field and also being involved in artistic activities would make them more sensitive and thus their aesthetic appreciation would improve. Related literature in this field was scanned and by using observation and interviewing techniques, a participant aged was educated on painting for two years and the effect of continuation in artistic practices and motivation on one's creativity was examined. It has been observed that art education is influential and inspirational particularly in the lives of elderly people; and no matter how old a person is if she wants and works, she can achieve artistic sensitivity by means of creative works. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Ayse Cakir Ilhaneninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessArt education for elderly peoplelifelong learningmotivationpaintingArt for all ages: a lifelong desire and hard workConference Object5135336110.1016/j.sbspro.2012.08.172WOS:000316256000064N/A