Yazar "Yörük, Mecit" için listeleme
Distribution of plasma cells and alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase – positive lymphocytes in the reproductive organs of female cats in anoestrus, oestrus and pseudopregnancy
Kedilerde anöstrüs, östrüs ve yalancı gebelik dönemlerinde dişi genital kanal organları ve ovaryumlarında, plasma hücresi ve alpha naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) positif lenfositlerin dağılımı, histokimyasal teknikler ... -
Immunohistochemical distribution of glucagon -, insulin -, somatostatin -, gastrin-, and serotonin-containing cells in the pancreas of the Van cat
The regional distribution, relative frequency, and appearance of glucagon (A-cell)-, insulin (B-cell)-, somatostatin (D-cell)-, gastrin (G-cell)-, and serotonin (EC-cell)-secreting cells in the endocrine and exocrine ...