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dc.contributor.authorKaya, Fatih
dc.contributor.authorAydın, Mesut
dc.contributor.authorAydın, Mehmet Korkud
dc.description.abstractHalkevleri, 19 Şubat 1932'de kurulan kültür kurumlarıdır. Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında Halk eğitiminin tamamlayıcı unsurlarından en önemlisi olan bu kurumlar; 1951'e kadar millî bilincin yerleşmesinde etken olan bir halk okulu görevini yerine getirmiştir. Halkevleri 9 şube şeklinde örgütlenmiştir. Bu şubeler Dil Tarih ve Edebiyat, Güzel Sanatlar, Temsil, Spor, Sosyal Yardım, Halk Dershaneleri ve Kursları, Kütüphane ve Yayın, Köycülük, Müze ve Sergi Şubesidir. Bu şubeler marifetiyle vatandaşlar birçok hususta bilgilendirilmiştir. Halkevlerinin en önemli çalışmalarından biri de Millî Gün ve Haftaların kutlanması yönelik yapılan faaliyetlerdir. Bayramlar vatandaşlar arasında millî birlik ve beraberliği kuvvetlendirmiş, dayanışma ve yardımlaşma duygularını harekete geçirmiştir. Farklı il ve ilçelerin halkevlerinde aynı coşkuyla kutlanan bu gün ve haftalar Malatya Halkevinde de kutlanmıştır. Kutlamalarda özellikle Dil Tarih ve Edebiyat Şubesi ile Temsil Şubesi büyük katkılar sağlamıştır. Malatya Halkevinde kutlanan millî gün ve haftalar şunlardır: 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı, 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı, Türk Dil Bayramı, 19 Mayıs Gençlik ve Spor bayramı, 10 Kasım Atatürk'ü Anma ve Atatürk Haftasıdır. Bu çalışmada Malatya Halkevinin Dil Tarih ve Edebiyat Şubesi ile Gösterit (Temsil Şubesi)nin bir çalışma alanı olarak 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı etkinliklerini içermektedir. 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı kutlamalarına ilişkin yapılan çalışmanın amacı ise Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında Malatya Halkevinin millî birlik ve dayanışmayı en üst seviyeye çıkartan sosyal ve kültürel alanda yaptığı faaliyetleri ortaya koymaktır. Bu çalışmada, araştırma modeli olarak Literatür taraması uygulanmış olup tarama sonucunda elde edilen bulgular değerlendirilmiştiren_US
dc.description.abstractCommunity Centres, cultural institutions are founded on February 19, 1932. The most important of these institutions are complementary elements of public education in the early years of the Republic; Public education activities until 1951 has brought a significant place. Community Centers are organized in 9 branche This branch of Language, History and Literature, Fine Arts, Representation, Sports, Social Welfare, Public Schools and Courses, Library and Publication, Peasentasim is a museum and exhibition branche These branches were informed by the ingenuity of citizens in many aspect One of the most important work of the People's Houses are also made up for activities to celebrate the national day and the week. Holidays strengthen national unity and solidarity among citizens, which has had a sense of solidarity and support to the movement. This day is celebrated with the same enthusiasm and weeks of community centers in different cities and towns were celebrated at the community center in Malatya. Celebrations in particular the representation branch with language history and literature branch has made great contribution Malatya national days and weeks celebrated in the community center are as follows: October 29 Republic Day, 23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day, the Turkish Language Day, May 19 Youth and Sports Day, are the celebrations held on the Hatay Motherland annexation. The aim of the work to be done in Malatya Community Center for this celebration, in the early years of the Republic of Malatya community center to reveal his social and cultural activities in this work will be done in the literature as a research model. The findings obtained in the scan results will be evaluated.The Community Centers were cultural institutions established on February 19, 1932. Especially during the early Republican Period, they were supplementary elements of the Public Education, and acted as public schools that were active in the acquisition of a national conscious until 1951. The Community Centers were organized as 9 branches. These branches were Language, History and Literature, Fine Arts, Theatre, Sports, Social Aids, Public Training Centers and Courses, Library and Publishing, Peasantry, Museums and Exhibitions. One of the important duties of the Community Centers was organizing activities for the purpose of celebrating National Days and Weeks with their branches. These celebrations were organized for the purpose of ensuring the national unity and togetherness, and to develop the solidarity among the people Although not declared as a festival officially, a governmental decree with the number 986 was released on the celebrations of October 29, 1924 after the declaration of the republic. It was decided that October 29 of every year would be celebrated with a special program and by 101 gun fires. The October 29 activities mentioned above were organized firstly by the Türk Ocakları (Turkish Hearths) throughout the country, and then, the Community Centers organized them and the Political Party, CHP, pioneered these organizations. The celebration and commemoration days that were necessary in order to remind the people and to make endure in the national memory were determined according to the cultural policies followed by the CHP Secretary General’s Office, and these principles were applied by the Community Centers. Such works of Community Centers were performed for the purpose of adopting the republican values and strengthen the unitary state structure, and the aim was to reach national conscious. In this context, the festivals, national days and weeks that were celebrated in Community Centers in various cities and counties were also celebrated with great enthusiasm in Malatya Community Center as well. Celebrations for other national days and weeks were also organized in the Malatya Community Center and in the Community Centers in surrounding cities. The Language, History and Literature Branch and the Drama Branches contributed greatly to the celebrations. Malatya Community Center tried to reveal the values brought by the Republic with October 29 Republic Day celebrations. These values are both material and spiritual. No doubt, it is easy to reveal the developments in the material field. However, teaching the basic principles of the Republic, and explaining and adopting the new ideals with revolutions are difficult and time-consuming processes. Another purpose of the celebrations was to support the steps taken for the purpose of modernization. These activities were considered as important opportunities to increase the devotion of the people for the values brought by the republic. There were posters, banners, flags, and the 10th Anniversary March was sung, poems and epics were read, and there were theater plays and radio broadcast, which show the struggle to invoke the republican conscious in the people. The care given to ensure the participation of the people for the celebrations was interesting. In addition, flags were distributed, the cities and even the villages were ornamented and lit, which shows this interest. Despite the developments in communication means in our present day, the same interest and care is not given to celebrate the national days, especially the Republic day. Based on these celebrations, we can conclude that Community Centers played important roles in adopting the basic dynamics of the republic by the people since the day they were first established until our present day. On the other hand, Community Centers were also criticized by some society members. The critics claimed that the Community Centers did not “descend” to the level of the people, and therefore increased the gap between the scholars and the people; the visitors who went to the villages were not like the village people and acted as if they were the representatives of the CHP. Unlike the critics, the Community Centers were important tools in the Turkish modernization process. Firstly, they aroused the conscious of being a society, and developed the solidarity feelings. They contributed greatly to the distribution and adoption of the revolutions. They introduced their own language and western languages to the people. They informed the people especially the villagers on healthcare, and gave them information on agriculture and daily life. They conducted studies on language, history and folklore and increased the cultural level of the people. They acted as the intermediaries in making people recognize the western and national elements in the field of fine arts and in visual arts like theater and cinema. The sole public education centers of that period was Community Centers, and served the Turkish people from 7 to 70 years of age and ensured that the people acquired a reading habit. Community Centers were also the guides in economic development actions, and adopted the saving and national products concepts in the minds of the people. Again, the Community Centers acted as the locomotive of the literacy campaigns, which were started as of 1929, between 1932 and 1951, and became an important organ of the Turkish society in the fight against ignorance. With the vocational, technical and skills courses it opened, it helped the people to learn their abilities and discover their practical minds and guided them to use them for the benefit of the people. Community Centers cared for women without making any discrimination among them like villagers and city-dwellers, and thus, the positions of women who attended these courses were strengthened in the society and they contributed to their family budgets by earning money. The majority of the famous authors, artists and musicians were discovered in this period or contributions were made for their trainings. Beyond these, Community Centers had an important role in arousing a national conscious in our people and acted as the building blocks of the Republican Era Turkish Modernization. They developed the unity, togetherness and solidarity feelings and ensured that the people became “citizens”. In this context, they organized celebration activities on national and special days and became influential in reinforcing the feelings like country, homeland, nation and sovereignty. They were also influential in keeping our national memory alive and organizing our future. As a conclusion, Community Centers performed serious works in the period when they were active, and became the prominent cultural institutions of the society. These institutions, which were beneficial in many fields, could be re-organized instead of closing down; and thus, they could become more functional. Unfortunately, Community Centers received their share from the vicious political conflicts after 1950s and were closed downen_US
dc.relation.journalTurkish Studies (Elektronik)en_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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