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dc.contributor.authorBuğrahan Bekir YAĞCI
dc.description.abstractAilments in the lungs and other respiratory organs that allow dogs to breathe often appear to be cured with appropriate treatment; It is known that if not treated, serious problems such as hypoxemia and sepsis will be encountered. Although there are different diagnosis and treatment methods, the effect of adrenomedullin hormone in dogs with lower respiratory problems will be investigated for the first time in this study. Adrenomedullin (AdM) is a peptide hormone discovered in 1993 by isolation from a human adrenal tumour cell (pheochromocytoma) and determined to have vasodilation and natriuretic effects (Kitamura et al., 1993; Doğru, 2007; Kanno et al., 2012; Voors et al., 2018). Although research has been done on different creatures such as mice and rabbits, very few studies have been found on dogs. This study aims to investigate the effects of ADM on the lower respiratory systems in dogs. Within the scope of the thesis, dogs with lower respiratory tract problems and healthy dogs brought to Kırıkkale University Veterinary Faculty Hospital and Akademi Veterinary Clinic will be investigated. In this study, which was designed as a clinical study; Blood serum samples were taken from 16 dogs with respiratory system problems and 8 healthy dogs in the control group and blood serum samples were taken after the treatment; regardless of age, gender, species, will be considered. AdM levels in dogs with the lower respiratory disease treated with different treatment methods will be measured with "CUSABIO CSB-E09836c - 96 Test/Box Dog adrenomedullin, ADM ELISA Kit". Thus, the effects of AdM in the dogs investigated by dividing into groups will be revealed.en_US
dc.titleAlt Solunum Problemi Olan Köpeklerde Adrenomedullin Seviyelerinin Araştırılmasıen_US
dc.title.alternativeInvestigation of Adrenomedullin Levels in Dogs with Lower Respiratory Problemsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentKırıkkale Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi, Klinik Öncesi Bilimleri Bölümüen_US

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