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dc.contributor.authorGullu, S
dc.contributor.authorKeles, H
dc.contributor.authorDelibasi, T
dc.contributor.authorTonyukuk, V
dc.contributor.authorKamel, N
dc.contributor.authorErdogan, G
dc.identifier.citationGüllü, S., Keles, H., Delibasi, T., Tonyukuk, V., Kamel, N., & Erdogan, G. (2004). Remission criteria for the follow-up of patients with acromegaly. European journal of endocrinology, 150(4), 465–471.en_US
dc.descriptionGedik, Vedia/0000-0003-0685-2020;en_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000221195000009en_US
dc.descriptionPubMed: 15080775en_US
dc.description.abstractObjective: The aim was to evaluate the validity of current remission criteria in acromegaly. a random GH level of < 2.5 mug/l, a glucose-suppressed GH level of < 1 mug/l and a normal IGF-I level. Design: In forty-one patients treated for acromegaly (23 males and 18 females, 20 - 69 years) and 94 healthy subjects (50 males and 44 females, 20-78 years), basal GH and IGF-I levels and nadir GH levels after 75 g oral glucose were evaluated in decade blocks; these were assayed by sensitive immunoradiometric assays. Results: Basal GH levels varied widely from 0.022 to 10.4 in healthy subjects and were > 2.5 mug/l in 19%. The mean post-glucose GH nadir was 0.067 +/- 0.009 mug/l (range 0.003-0.4 mug/l) and the upper limit of the GH nadir was 0.26 mug/l (means + 2 S.D.) in healthy subjects. Thirty-five patients with acromegaly had high-for-age IGF-I levels in relation to our healthy subjects. In this group, 15 (42.9%) patients had basal GH levels of < 2.5 mug/l, 14 (40%) patients had nadir GH levels of <1 mug/l, and three (8.6%) patients had GH suppression to < 0.26 mug/l which was defined as normal GH suppression in our healthy subjects. Only six patients with acromegaly had normal-forage IGF-I levels and all of these patients had basal GH levels of < 2.5 mug/l and all but one had nadir GH levels of < 0.26 mug/l. Conclusions: A basal or random GH level of < 2.5 mug/l is not a reliable criterion for remission in acromegaly and the currently accepted normal upper limit of 1 mug/l for post-glucose GH suppression is too high. Post-glucose nadir GH levels, measured with sensitive assays, can be < 1.0 mug/l in 40% and basal GH levels can be < 2.5 mug/l in 43% of the active acromegalic patients. IGF-I levels appeared to correlate better with a nadir GH cut-off of 0.26 mug/l rather than 1 mug/l in the determination of disease activity.en_US
dc.publisherBioscientifica Ltden_US
dc.titleRemission criteria for the follow-up of patients with acromegalyen_US
dc.contributor.departmentKırıkkale Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.journalEuropean Journal Of Endocrinologyen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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