Size distribution of dispersed luteal cells during oestrous cycle in angora goats
The present study examines the size distribution of the goat steroidogenic luteal cells throughout the oestrous cycle. Corpora lutea (CL) were collected after laparatomy on days 5, 10 and 16 of the oestrous cycle. Luteal cells were isolated from CL by collagenase digestion. Steriodogenic luteal cells were identified by staining of the cells for 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity, a marker for steroidogenic cells. Luteal cells having steroidogenic capacity covered a wide spectrum of sizes, ranging from 5 to 37.5 mu m in diameter. There was a significant increase in mean cell diameters (p < 0.01) as CL aged. The mean cell diameter on day 5 was 11.55 +/- 0.12 mu m, which was significantly increased and reached up to 19.18 +/- 0.24 mu m by day 16 of the oestrous cycle. The ratio of large to small luteal cells was 0.06:1.0 on day 5 of the oestrous cycle. This ratio increased to 0.78:1.0 by day 16 of the oestrous cycle. Luteal cell size on days 5, 10 and 16 of the oestrous cycle reached its maximum at 7.5, 10 and 35 mu m in diameter, respectively. Development of CL is associated with an increase in luteal cell size in goats. It is likely that small luteal cells could develop into large luteal cells as CL becomes older during oestrous cycle in goats.