A Modelling Study of Renewable and Stored Energy Sharing and Pricing Management System Developed for Multi-Apartment Complexes
A unique system that will enable the efficient and shared usage of PV panels in multi-apartment complexes and sharing of energy is developed in this study along with a modeling scheme. Efficient and shared usage of the panels which is suggested as the solution requires sharing and pricing the energy in the apartment complex. In this modeling study which is conducted in Matlab and Simulink environment, the available energy is initially allocated for all the apartments and has them use it for free. The modeled system is applied to a three-apartment complex and the simulation results are obtained based on the electricity pricing tariff in Turkey. The amounts reflected in the electricity bill in the cases where the solar energy used and not used are calculated separately and compared later in the experimental results. It is demonstrated that the shared energy of the apartment complex can be allocated in an efficient and fair way. Moreover, it is proved that the budget generated by using the cheap energy can pay off the fix costs such as battery charge and renewal costs.