Examination of Psychometric Properties of the Need for Closure Scale-Short Form among Turkish College Students
Atak, H., Syed, M., & Çok, F. (2017). Examination of Psychometric Properties of the Need for Closure Scale-Short Form among Turkish College Students. Noro psikiyatri arsivi, 54(2), 175–182.Abstract
Introduction: The need for cognitive closure (NFC), defined as the desire for "an answer on a given topic, any answer. compared to confusion and ambiguity," is a topic that has become increasingly important in behavioral neuroscience. The present study aimed to assess the applicability of a measure of need for cognitive closure, the " Need for Closure Scale-Short Form" (NFC-SF), for Turkish college students. Methods: Data from a total of 219 participants aged 19-29 years (male n= 61, 27.9%; female n= 158, 72.1%; Meanage= 23.6 years, SD= 3.06 years) were used to conduct validity and reliability analyses. Of the participants, 138 (63.0%; Meanage= 22.62 years; SD= 2.45 years) were university students, and the remainder had graduated from university (n= 81; 37%; Meanage= 24.16 years; SD= 3.24 years). Results: Language validity (r= 0.94, p= 0.00), confirmatory factor analysis results (X-2/ Df= 4.07, GFI= 0.90, IFI= 0.89, CFI= 0.90, AGFI= 0.88, NNFI= 0.90, and RMSEA= 0.011), item analysis, and convergent validity results indicated that a single factor solution with 15 items met the criteria for adequacy of fit among Turkish young people. The internal consistency (r= 0.74) revealed a moderate to acceptable reliability. Conclusion: The results demonstrated that the NFC-SF can be used in studies that evaluate the need for closure among Turkish young people.