The Effects Of Age And Body Mass Index On Flexibility And Balance Performance
Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the effects of age and Body Mass Index (BMI) on flexibility and balance in individuals aged between 18-80. Methods: Four hundred and four (n=404) individuals were included in the study. Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) and Sit to Stand Test (SST) were used in order to evaluate dynamic balance; Sit and Reach Flexibility Test as well as Lateral Trunk Flexion test were used for flexibility. Results: A correlation was found between age, TUG, SST and flexibility values (p<0.05). There was a correlation in a negative direction between BMI, and right-left trunk flexibility tests. There was a correlation in a positive direction between TUG and SST. Conclusion: The increase in age and BMI causes restrictions in daily life activities of individuals by leading to decrease in important parameters that affect their physical fitness such as balance and flexibility.