Reusing sanitaryware waste products in glazed porcelain tile production
Reusing the waste products generated in ceramic manufacturing is an environmentally responsible and sustainable approach. This study aims to protect natural resources, minimise raw material costs and manage waste-generated pollution by reusing the vitrified sanitaryware waste (VSW) products from Canakkale Kalebodur Seramik San. A. S. Six sample formulations were prepared under industrial conditions and compared with a standard tile body. The results indicated that using VSW in place of feldspar results in an increased firing shrinkage and decreased bending strength, whereas using VSW in place of pegmatite results in an increased bending strength and reduced thermal expansion coefficients. The reduction in the thermal expansion coefficients is an important finding that aids in meeting the dimensional and deformation requirements of porcelain tiles and also results in a slight lightening of the tile colour. This study shows that the fired VSW products can be used in glazed porcelain tile production as a sustainable and technologically, economically and environmentally suitable approach.