Effect of mouthwashes on the discolouration of restorative materials commonly used in paediatric dentistry
This was to investigate the effects of Klorhex, Tantum Verde, Kloroben, and Listerine on the discolouration of composite resin, compomer, giomer, and resin-modified glass ionomer. Fifty disc-shaped specimens from each restorative material (n = 50) were prepared; initial colour values were measured with a spectrophotometer. Forty specimens from each group were placed in the four different types of mouthwashes (n = 10), while the remaining 10 specimens were immersed in distilled water for 2 min, twice a day for a period of 3 weeks. Colour change (Delta E*) values were obtained and the results were evaluated statistically. The Delta E* of composite resin in Klorhex (0.84 +/- 0.37) was significantly lower than that of the other mouthwash groups. Moreover, composite resin showed the least colour change when compared with the other materials in all four mouthwashes. Resin-modified glass ionomer values were significantly higher in Tantum Verde (6.36 +/- 2.82) when compared with the other mouthwashes (p < 0.05). Clinically appreciable discolourations were observed in the resin-modified glass ionomer specimens placed in Tantum Verde and Listerine. Nano-filling composite resins are the most successful aesthetic restorative materials, whereas the commonly used resin-modified glass ionomers exhibit more aesthetically divergent results following the use of mouthwashes.