Now showing items 1-10 of 24
A Review of el-Muddaththir 11-26 in the Framework of the Social Psychology Theories
(Cumhuriyet Univ, Fac Theology, 2016)
The surah of el-Muddaththir is one of the first surahs of the Qur'an according to the chronological order of the revelation. In this surah, between the verses 11-26, the story of the harsh opposition by polytheists of Mecca ...
The Problem of Reconstruction of the Sacred Space Perception in Anatolia in the Context of Khidr-Elijah Faith - Elvan Celebi's Zawiya -
(Hitit Univ, 2017)
This study examines the role of Khidr-Elias belief in the transformation of the holy areas of Elvan Celebi's lodge and in particular the medieval Islamic world, which is constantly changing in the border regions. When the ...
Evaluation of Hadith Narratives Related with the Animals Whose Meat is Forbidden to Eat
(Cumhuriyet Univ, Fac Theology, 2018)
As in every religious issue, the two main resources of Islam which are the Qur'an and the Sunnah/hadiths are the first reference sources for deciding the things that are forbidden by Islam. There is no evidence in the ...
Partitions in the Two Widespread copies of the Qur'an and Their Nature
(Cumhuriyet Univ, Fac Theology, 2017)
The study is mainly about the partitions of the two widespread copies of the Qur'an known as mu..afs. One of these partitions is published in Turkey under the supervision of the Presidency of Religious Affairs, and the ...
Traces of Khwaja Ahmad al-Yasawi in the Anatolian Lodge Cuisine Legendary Sources of Dervish Lodge
(Cumhuriyet Univ, Fac Theology, 2017)
Sufis have participated in migrations to Anatolia from different regions. They have established their lodges including places that are not suitable for residence. These buildings have provided food and safe beds for those ...
The Epistemology in the Sciences of Hadith and Kalam From the Perspective of Socio-Cultural Context
(Karabuk Univ, 2016)
The reason is an important source of information in the science of Kalam while the report (khabar) is an important source in the science of Hadith. The nature of these sciences is the main reason of this dichotomy. While ...
Evaluation of Hadith Narratives Related with the Animals That Are Considered Licit to Eat
(Dinbilimleri Akad Arastirma Merkezi, 2019)
It is known that Qur'an and sunnah/hadith are the primary resources when determining the halal and haram. When determining if anything is halal or not, Islamic scholars accept all to be originally halal and licit, and ...
Şerhu’l-Akâid Ve Kelâmî Değeri Üzerine Bir Deneme
Şerhu’l-Akâid, Kelâm ilmi için önemli bir eserdir. Eser, asırlarca medrese ders müfredatındakelâm ders kitabı olarak okutulmuştur. Bunun sebebi, kendisinden önceki kelâmîkonuları kısa ve anlaşılır bir metotla özetlemesidir. ...
Hz. Ömer’in Âyetleri İstişhâd Etmesi Ve Uygulaması
Bu çalışmada Hz. Ömer'in günlük yaşamda âyetleri delil getirmesi ve hayata tatbik etmesi konu edilmektedir. Rivâyetlere göre o, yaşadığı, karşılaştığı olay ve durumlar ile âyetler arasında ilgi kurmuş, bu olay ve durumların ...
İslâm Hukukunda Şehitlik Bağlamında Şehit Ailelerinin Manevî Temelli Sosyal Koruması
Geçmişten günümüze bazı güçlü devletler gerek ekonomik gerekse siyasî çıkarları için geri kalmış ya da gelişmekte olan ülkelerde savaş, kargaşa ve terörü desteklemektedir. Bunun sonucunda bütün dünyada yaşanan terör ...