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Öğe Arthroscopy-assisted combined external and internal fixation of a pilon fracture of the tibia(2007) Çetik, Özgür; Çift, Hakan; Ari, Mahmut; Cömert, BarışThere are serious problems with existing methods of treating pilon fractures of the tibia caused by high-energy trauma. The method chosen to treat these fractures should not raise the risk of infection while effectively restoring the joint surface. We successfully treated a 42-year-old male patient with a pilon fracture caused by high-energy trauma using an arthroscopy-assisted unilateral external fixator and minimally invasive internal osteosynthesis. We used arthroscopy to reposition the fracture fragments and restore the joint surface. The fracture fragments were fixed with screws immediately after being repositioned. We believe that arthroscopy-assisted combined external and minimally invasive internal fixation is the treatment of choice for these fractures. We used external fixation to improve the fracture alignment, arthroscopy for restoring the joint surface, and minimally invasive screws to ensure fragment stability.Öğe Bilateral osteochondritis dissecans of lateral femoral condyle(Springer, 2005) Çetik, Özgür; Türker, Murad; Uslu, MehmetA 20-year-old male with bilateral osteochondritis dissecans (OD) of the distal lateral femoral condyle is presented. OD can occur in many joints; however, the medial femoral condyle of the knee is the most common. Bilateral OD of the distal lateral femoral condyle is extremely rare. In our case, the lesion on the right side was traumatic and the lesion on the left side was self-induced. We performed open surgery for both knees. The fragments were stabilized with multiple Herbert screws. This case supports the theory that a defect in the ossification center of the distal lateral femoral condyle plays a role in the etiology of osteochondritis dissecans.Öğe Computerized tomography scout view for determining distal femoral resection angle in intramedullary instrumentation of total knee arthroplasty(Springer, 2007) Uslu, M. Murad; Özsar, Barış; Çirpar, Meriç; Kara, Simay; Eksioglu, Fatih; Çetik, ÖzgürThis study aims to investigate the results of distal femoral resection by determining the difference between mechanical and anatomical axes of femur using computerized tomography (CT) scout views in pre-operative planning of total knee arthroplasty. CT scout view of the lower extremities was taken before and after the operation in 16 patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty. Distal femoral resection was performed according to the previously determined ideal resection angle (IRA) using intramedullary instrumentation. At post-operative scanogram, femoral component deviation (FCD) was measured. The results were statistically analyzed. The average IRA was 6.95 (5-9) degrees. At post-operative measurements, the average FCD was 0.63 (0-3) degrees. CT scout films improve the accuracy in distal femoral resection and femoral component alignment.Öğe Contrary intermittent skin release of complete syndactyly without skin graft in adults(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005) Çetik, Özgür; Özşar, Barış K.; Ekşioğlu, Fatih; Uslu, Murad; Çetik, GültenIntroduction: There are many different surgical treatment techniques of complete syndactyly. Most of them are techniques involving using skin grafts. We developed a surgical technique that does not require skin grafts, which cause problems in the distal nail border pulp and interdigital web space. Materials and Methods: Syndactyly release was performed in 12 web spaces of I I adult male patients. The average age was 21. In addition to a zig-zag incision, contrary intermittent skin release was performed. Primary coverage of the interdigital web space and nail border pulp was achieved without skin graft. Results: We obtained good results by the contrary intermittent skin release method that we developed, in adult complete syndactyly patients who had no chance for the surgical treatment due to several reasons, previously. Conclusion: With such a surgical technique, in our cases we obtained successful results, both cosmetic and functional. The presented technique is an alternative method for syndactyly release without using skin graft in adult patients.Öğe Contrary intermittent skin release of complete syndactyly without skin graft in adults - Response(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006) Çetik, Özgür; Uslu, Murad; Ekşioğlu, Fatih…Öğe The Evaluation Of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury On Regional And Inhalation Anaesthesia During Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Under A Tourniquet(2015) Kaymak, Çetin; Çetik, Özgür; Çakırca, Mehmet; Çağlayan, Osman; Apan, AlpaslanAMAÇ:Artroskopik diz cerrahisinde cerrahi alan görüşünü arttırmak amacıyla sıklıkla turnike uygulanmaktadır. Bununla beraber turnikenin indirilmesi ile beraber iskemi/reperfüzyon hasarı gelişmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı turnike altında gerçekleşen artroskopik diz cerrahinde spinal blok, siyatik-femoral blok, sevofluran ve desfluran anestezi uygulamasının kan ve snovial dokudaki MDA ve NO sevilerini değerlendirmektir. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEMLER: Çalışmaya ASA I-II 60 erişkin hasta dahil edilerek turnike altında artroskopik cerrahi geiçrecek hastalar drt gruba ayrıldı. Hastalara siyatik-femoral blokaj (Grup I) ve spinal blok (Grup II) uygulandı. Genel anestezi uygulaması sırasıyla sevofluran (Grup III) ve desfluran (Grup IV) ile gerçekleştirildi. Anestezi öncesi (T1), turnike açılmadan 1 dk. önce (T2), turnike açıldıktan 5 dk. sonra (T3) ve turnike açıldıktan 20 dk. sonra (T4) kan örnekleri alındı. Ek olarak T2. ve T3. evrelerde cerrahi alandan snovial doku örnekleri alındı.BULGULAR:Çalışmamızda tüm gruplardaki MDA düzeyleri T3 evresinde, T1 evresine göre anlamlı artış göstermiştir. Ek olarak, Grup I ve IV'de T4 evresindeki plazma MDA düzeyleri T1 evresine göre anlamlı artış göstermiştir. Tüm gruplardaki plazma NO düzeyleri T2, T3 ve T4 evrelerinde; T1 evresine göre anlamlı artış göstermiştir. Doku NO düzeyleri, Grup I'de en belirgin olmak üzere artmıştır. SONUÇ: Çalışmamızda artroskopik cerrahide turnike uygulaması sonrasında geçici nötrofil aktivasyonu ve transendotelial nötrofil migrasyonu gösterilmiştir. Turnike kullanımına bağlı iskemi reperfüzyon hasarında spinal blok ve sevofluran ile anestezisi uygulamasının desfluran ve siyatik-femoral blok tekniğine göre tercih edilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varıldıÖğe Experience with the surgical treatment of radial polydactyly in adults(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005) Çetik, Özgür; Uslu, Murad; Çırpar, Meriç; Ekşioğlu, FatihPurpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the functional and cosmetic outcome after surgical reconstruction in adult patients. Methods: Eleven hands of the 10 adult patients with radial polydactyly were treated surgically. Clinical and radiologic examination was performed and cases were classified according to the Wassel system. The outcome was evaluated according to the Modified Wood criteria. Results: Average age of the patients was 20 years (range, 19-23 years) and all patients were male. All of the patients were admitted with the social consequences of the cosmetic problems resulting from the anomaly. Cosmetic and functional results were excellent in 9 cases and good in 2 cases. Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed that radial polydactyly can be surgically reconstructed satisfactorily in adulthood. However, the fact that these patients were mainly admitted as a result of the psychosocial consequences of the cosmetic aspect of the anomaly, we concluded that regardless of age, surgery should not be delayed after diagnosis.Öğe Hidrosefali ve sakral agenezi olgusunda üçlü femoral blok(2011) Apan, Alparslan; Babadağ, Yıldız; Çetik, ÖzgürHidosefali, sakral agenezi ve spina bifida anomalileri olan femur fraktürlü hastamızda, başarılı üçü bir yerde femoral sinir bloğu uygulamasını sunmayı amaçladık. Üç yaşında kız hastamızda travmatik sağ femur fraktürü mevcuttu. Klinik muayenesinde zor havayolu bulguları olan mikrognati ve makroglossi saptandı. Birlikte saptanan ileri derecede hidrosefali, alt etkstremitelerde motor paralizi, spina bifida ve sakral agenezi genel anestezi veya nöroaksiyal blok uygulamalarını güçleştirmişti. Hastamıza hafif sedasyon altında üçü bir yerde femoral blok uygulamaya karar verdik. Damar yolu bulunduktan sonra 0,05 mg kg1 intravenöz midazolam uygulandı. Femoral sinir bloğu sinir stimülasyonu tekniği ile 7,5 ml % 0,5 levobupivakain serum fizyolojik 10 ml'ye tamamlanarak uygulandı. Eksternal fiksasyon ek analjezik gereksinimi olmaksızın başarılı bir şekilde uygulandı. Hastanın vital bulguları operasyon süresi ve erken postoperatif dönemde stabil seyretti. Hasta postoperatif dönemde altı saat süre ile ağrısız bir dönem geçirdi. Periferik sinir blokları uygulama olanağı bulunduğunda güç havayolu olgularında cerrahi ve postoperatif dönem için etkili ve güvenli bir alternatif olduğu kanısındayız.Öğe Is there a safe area for the axillary nerve in the deltoid muscle? A cadaveric study(Journal Bone Joint Surgery Inc, 2006) Çetik, Özgür; Uslu, Murad; Acar, Halil Ibrahim; Cömert, Ayhan; Tekdemir, Ibrahim; Çift, HakanBackground: Several authors have defined a variety of so-called safe zones for deltoid-splitting incisions. The first aim of the present study was to investigate the distance of the axillary nerve from the acromion and its relation to arm length. The second aim was to identify a safe area for the axillary nerve during surgical dissection of the deltoid muscle. Methods: Twenty-four shoulders of embalmed adult cadavers were included in the study. The distance from the anterior edge of the acromion to the course of the axillary nerve was measured and was recorded as the anterior distance. The same measurement from the posterior edge of the acromion to the course of the axillary nerve was made and was recorded as the posterior distance for each limb. Correlation analysis was performed between the arm length and the anterior distance and the posterior distance for each limb. The ratios between arm length and the anterior and posterior distances were calculated for each case and were recorded as an anterior index and a posterior index. Results: The average arm length was 30.40 cm. The average anterior distance was 6.08 cm, and the average posterior distance was 4.87 cm. There was a significant correlation between arm length and both anterior distance (r = 0.79, p < 0.001) and posterior distance (r = 0.61, p = 0.001). The axillary nerve was not found to lie at a constant distance from the acromion at every point along its course. The average anterior index was 0.20, and the average posterior index was 0.16. Conclusions: The present study describes a safe area above the axillary nerve that is quadrangular in shape, with the length of the lateral edges being dependent on the individual's arm length. Using this safe area should provide a safe exposure for the axillary nerve during shoulder operations.Öğe Karpal tünelin gevşetilmesinde sınırlı insizyon tekniğinin etkinliği ve güvenilirliği(2011) Çırpar, Meriç; Arı, Mahmut; Türker, Mehmet; Ekşioğlu, M. Fatih; Çetik, ÖzgürAmaç: Bu çalışmada, karpal tünel sendromu cerrahisinde 3 cm’lik sınırlı insizyon ile gerçekleştirilen medyan sinir dekompresyonunda güvenilirliğin, fonksiyonel ve semptomatik etkinliğin belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Hastalar ve yöntemler: Seksen üç hastanın 91 elinde 3 cm’lik sınırlı palmar insizyon ile karpal tünel gevşetmesi yapıldı. Hastalar cerrahi öncesinde ve sonrasında 3. ve 6. aylarda, Boston Karpal Tünel Anketi, kaba ve ince kavrama gücü ölçümleri, Semmes Weinstein Monofilaman testi ve iki nokta ayrım testi ile değerlendirildi. Bu değerlendirme kriterlerinin ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası ortalama değerleri eşleştirilmiş iki grup t-testi ile istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi. Hastaların semptomları, fiziksel bulguları ve elektronöromiyografik karpal tünel sendromu ciddiyet skorları ise tanımlayıcı istatistiksel analizler ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Ameliyat sonrası değerlendirmede hastaların Boston Karpal Tünel Anketi skorlarında, kaba ve ince kavrama güçlerinde ve duyu testlerinde ameliyat öncesi değerler ile karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak belirgin artış vardı. Pillar ağrısı dışında komplikasyon saptanmadı. Sonuç: Üç santimetrelik sınırlı insizyon tekniği ile karpal tünel gevşetmesi klasik açık, endoskopik ve mini insizyon teknikleri ile karşılaştırıldığında etkili gibi görünmektedir. Komplikasyon oranları bu teknikler ile kıyaslandığında daha düşüktür. Sonuç olarak, 3 cm’lik sınırlı insizyon, karpal tünel gevşetmesinde hem etkili hem de güvenlidir.Öğe Kova sapı menisküs yırtığı tanısında manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulgularının etkinliği(2012) Türker, Mehmet; Çetik, Özgür; Çırpar, Meriç; Yalçınozan, Mehmet; Cömert, Ruhi Barış; Şimşek, TalatAmaç: Bu çalışmada, diz ekleminde kova sapı menisküs yırtığı olduğu bilinen hastalarda ameliyat öncesi manyetik rezonans görüntülemenin (MRG), artroskopik tanıyı bilmeyen bir grup tarafından değerlendirilmesinin etkinliğini ölçüldü. Hastalar ve yöntemler: Bu çalışmada diz ekleminde kova sapı menisküs yırtığı nedeniyle cerrahi olarak tedavi edilmiş ve kayıtları yeterli olan 28 hastanın MRG görüntüleri kullanıldı. Radyografık değerlendirme, ortopedi ve radyoloji uzmanından oluşan iki grup tarafından yapıldı. Birinci grup, artroskopik tanıyı bilerek, MRG taramalarını inceledi ve tanımlanmış olan kova sapı menisküs yırtığı MRG bulgularını işaretledi. İkinci gruba ise, değerlendirme öncesinde hastanın yalnızca başvuru yakınmaları bildirildi. İkinci grup da MRG taramalarını inceledi ve patolojik bulguları işaretledi. Her iki grupta saplanan radyolojik bulguların hassasiyeti karşılaştırıldı. Kör değerlendirme ile değişmezler belirlendi. Bulgular: Kör değerlendirme ile MRG taramalarında bulunan. hassasiyeti değişmeyen bulgular çift arka çapraz bağ ve interkoııdiler çentik içinde serbest fragman idi. Koronal trunkasyon, anteriyor kayma ve herhangi bir serbest fragman bulgularının fark edilme oranı, artroskopik tanı bilinmediğinde, ciddi oranda azaldı. Sonuç: Kova sapı yırtıkların cerrahi tamir gerektirmeyen diğer yırtıklardan ameliyat öncesi ayırt edilmesi önemlidir. Özellikle genç ve ön çapraz bağ rekonstrüksiyonu yapılacak hastalarda menisküs tamiri yapılması, diz stabilitesinin ve fonksiyonel sonuçlarının daha iyi olması nedeniyle, klinik sonuçlar üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahiptir.Öğe Localized pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee: acute onset in pregnancy(Springer, 2006) Uslu, Murad; Çetik, Özgür; Atasoy, Pınar; Eksioglu, Fatih; Engin, MuratA pregnant patient in the first trimester presented with acute onset knee pain and effusion. As the clinical status was mimicking septic arthritis, surgery was performed. Arthroscopy demonstrated a local synovial tumor and excision was performed with arthrotomy. Microscopic evaluation revealed localized pigmented villonodular synovitis. Due to the presence of necrosis and hematoma in the tumor, we hypothesize that, that torsion or bleeding of the tumor in the presence of physiological pregnancy- related metabolic changes might have been the cause of acute presentation.Öğe O. Cetik and M. Uslu reply(Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Inc., 2007) Çetik, Özgür; Uslu, Murad[No abstract available]Öğe Over-The-Top Knot Placement Technique Enhances Tensile Stability of Tendon Repairs(Amer Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Soc, Inc, 2010) Türker, Mehmet; Çetik, Özgür; Kılıçoğlu, Önder; Çırpar, Meriç; Dirikolu, Hüsnü; Kalaycioğlu, Barış; Öztürk, LatifBackground: Currently a major concern for the surgical treatment of Achilles tendon rupture repairs is the creation of stable enough fixation to allow early range of motion. It was documented that the weakest point in a suture loop is the knot. Thus, we hypothesized that moving the knot away from the repair junction (over-the-top Krackow technique) would increase the strength of the repair. Materials and Methods: Transected bovine tendons were repaired by the traditional Krackow and over-the-top Krackow techniques using four suture materials (Fiberwire Nos. 5 and 2, Ethibond Nos. 5 and 2). Tendons were cyclically tested at incremental loads beginning from 50 N until 5-mm gap formation. Then all tendons were loaded to failure. The number of cycles to 5-mm gapping, ultimate failure loads and knot slip were compared using t-test and Mann-Whitney tests (with Tukey corrections for multiple comparisons). Results: Mean number of cycles to 5-mm gapping did not reveal significant differences (p = 0.113) between repair groups. Mean failure load of tendons repaired by over-the-top Krackow technique were significantly higher (p < 0.0001) for all four paired groups than tendons repaired by traditional Krackow technique. Ethibond No. 5, No. 2, and Fiberwire No. 2 suture repairs with over-the-top configuration did not reveal any knot slip. Conclusion: Over-the-top Krackow technique increases the ultimate failure load of repaired tendons. But 5-mm gapping resistivity was not enhanced either by the technique or the suture material. Clinical Relevance: The knot itself is a stress-riser in the suture loop so we suggest that freeing it from tension by our modificiation may achieve more durable repairs.Öğe Prophylactic stabilization of an incomplete femoral shaft fracture produced by a low velocity gunshot: A case report(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006) Uslu, Mehmet Murad; Çırpar, Meriç; Ekşioğlu, Mehmet Fatih; Çetik, Özgür…Öğe Quadrilateral space syndrome caused by a humeral osteochondroma: A case report and review of literature(2006) Çırpar, Meriç; Güdemez, Etfal; Çetik, Özgür; Uslu, Murad; Ekşioglu, FatihQuadrilateral space syndrome (QSS) is a rare condition in which the posterior humeral circumflex artery and the axillary nerve are entrapped within the quadrilateral space. The main causes of the entrapment are abnormal fibrous bands and hypertrophy of the muscular boundaries. Many other space-occupying causes such as a glenoidal labral cyst or fracture hematoma have been reported in the literature. However, we could not find a report on classical QSS caused by an osteochondroma. The aim of this case report is to attract attention to an unusual etiology of shoulder pain, and to emphasize the importance of physical examination and x-ray imaging before performing more complex attempts for differential diagnosing.Öğe The relationship between Hill-Sachs lesion and recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation(Acta Medica Belgica, 2007) Çetik, Özgür; Uslu, Murad; Ozsar, Baris K.The relationship between the number of shoulder dislocations and the depth and percent of head involvement of the Hill-Sachs lesions was investigated in this study. Thirty patients with recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder were divided into three groups according to the numbers of dislocations they had presented : Group 1 : 1 to 5 dislocations; Group 2 : 6 to 20 Group 3 : over 20. The mean percentage of head involvement was 11.9% in the first group, 25.4% in the second group and 26% in the third group of patients with Hill-Sachs lesions. The average depth of the Hill-Sachs lesions was 4.14 mm in the first group, 5.13 mm in the second group and 4.38 mm in the third group. Based on these findings, it appears that there is a correlation between the number of dislocations and the extent and depth of the Hill-Sachs lesions. Surgical treatment should therefore be performed as early as possible in patients with recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder, in order to prevent progression of the Hill-Sachs lesion which can become by itself a cause of instability.Öğe Risk of osteonecrosis of the femoral condyle after arthroscopic chondroplasty using radiofrequency: a prospective clinical series(Springer, 2009) Çetik, Özgür; Çift, Hakan; Cömert, Barış; Çırpar, MeriçRadiofrequency (RF) energy can be used for treatment of intraarticular pathologies in knee joint. RF energy was found to be superior to mechanical techniques in smoothening the articular surface (chondroplasty), shortening the operation time and reducing the blood loss. As RF produces thermal energy it has been reported to be responsible for the postoperative osteonecrosis however, there is no clinical evidence in the literature supporting that RF causes osteonecrosis. The current study searches for an answer whether surgical arthroscopic modalities using RF energy causes osteonecrosis. We hypothesize in the presented study that chondroplasty with RF has no effect on increasing the incidence of osteonecrosis in knee joint. In a prospective clinical trial, arthroscopic chondroplasty was performed in 50 patients with degenerative changes of the articular cartilage, stage II and III according to Outerbridge. To be included in the study, the patients had to meet the following criteria: (1) Preoperative MRI and plain film radiographs showing no evidence of osteonecrosis. (2) Patients had to be symptomatic for at least 6 weeks before the preoperative MRI. (3) Arthroscopically confirmed stage II or III. Preoperative MRI was taken in all patients. For chondral lesions bipolar RF energy system (VAPR-DePuy Mitek, Norwood, USA) was used. The patients were examined at the end of the sixth month and we performed MRI. Fifty patients with an average of age 45.54 (between 18 and 64) (SD, 10.63). During arthroscopy, together with chondropathy 22 patients pure medial meniscus tears, 7 patients medial and lateral meniscus tears, 7 patients pure lateral meniscus tears, 2 patients medial plica, and 3 patients synovial hypertrophy were detected. Among all 50 patients, osteonecrosis were detected at only 2 (4%) in the postoperative period. Until now it was not clear that RF energy causes osteonecrosis; however, according to this study if proper method is used, bipolar RF energy used for arthroscopic chondroplasty does not causes subchondral osteonecrosis.Öğe Second-look arthroscopy after arthroscopy-assisted treatment of tibial plateau fractures(Springer, 2007) Çetik, Özgür; Çift, Hakan; Asik, MehmetThe only way to show the healing potential in hyaline cartilage after the treatment of tibial plateau fractures in humans is the second-look arthroscopy. Our aim is to examine the healing potential of the hyaline cartilage in tibial plateau fractures treated with arthroscopy-assisted surgery. We applied second-look arthroscopy to the 12 patients out of 52 who had tibial plateau fractures treated by arthroscopy-assisted surgery. The mean age was 41. The tibial plateau fractures were classified according to Schatzker classification. The period between the primary surgical treatment and second-look arthroscopy was on an average of 19 months. Step-off was detected in 3 out of 12 patients. Hyaline cartilage of nine patients who did not have step-off was found obviously on the fracture line. None of them had displacement. Three patients out of 12 were above 50 years old and the average follow-up period was 26 months. Grade II-III chondral defect was detected on the fracture line and femoral condyle in patients above 50 years. For patients below 50 years old, the follow-up period was 21 months and grade I-II chondral defect was detected on the fracture line and femoral condyle. Until now in literature, tibial plateau fractures have been evaluated clinically and radiologically, but in our cases we directly saw the lesion. Cartilage healing is limited in human beings. On the fracture line, cartilage defect continues, although anatomic reduction has been achieved. Moreover, if there is step-off, insufficient healing potential appears. Although we did not have enough cases, we can say that in tibial plateau fractures anatomic reduction is mandatory. Contrary to the common idea, step-off is not tolerated by hyaline cartilage.Öğe Simultaneous bucket handle tear of both medial and lateral menisci of a knee with chronic anterior cruciate ligament deficiency(Springer, 2006) Çetik, Özgür; Çırpar, Meriç; Ekşioğlu, Fatih; Uslu, MuradBucket handle meniscus tears constitute about 10% of all meniscal tears. Bucket handle tears of medial meniscus is three times more than lateral meniscus. Most of these tears are associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficiency. Lateral meniscus lesions are more common with acute ACL deficiency, where medial meniscus lesions are more associated with chronic ACL deficiency. We identified bucket handle tears of each meniscus of a 30-year-old male patient while performing diagnostic arthroscopy during ACL reconstruction procedure. We present an ACL deficient knee with bucket handle tears of medial and lateral meniscus of the same knee and discuss the treatment.