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Öğe Assesment of ovarian reserve in patients with behcet's disease(Elsevier Science Inc, 2010) Çil, Aylin Pelin; Sönmezer, Murat; Koçak, Mihrican; Karabulut, A. A.; Akbıyık, Filiz; Oktay, Kutluk…Öğe Assessment of ovarian stromal artery Doppler characteristics and serum hormone levels in patients with Behcet disease(Turkish Soc Radiology, 2010) Çil, Aylin Pelin; Karabulut, Ayşe Anıl; Koçak, MukadderPURPOSE The aim of the study was to examine serum hormone levels, ovarian volume, stromal artery Doppler parameters of patients with Behcet disease (BD) to assess whether there are vascular changes in the gonads of these patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twenty patients with BD and 31 healthy controls aged between 18-45 years were examined in the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (day 2-3) with transvaginal ultrasound to evaluate ovarian volume and ovarian stromal artery Doppler parameters. On the same day, blood was drawn for determining serum hormone levels. RESULTS Patients with BD and the controls were comparable with regard to age and body mass index at study inclusion. Although comparison of the ovarian stromal artery Doppler velocimetric parameters did not show significant differences, resistivity, pulsatility indexes and systolic/diastolic ratio were higher, while peak systolic and end diastolic velocities were lower, in BD patients compared to controls. The mean ovarian volume of patients with BD was smaller than the controls but this difference did not reach statistical significance. There were no statistically significant differences between serum hormone levels of either group. We did not find any correlations between hormone levels and mean ovarian stromal artery Doppler parameters of patients with BD. CONCLUSION Ovarian stromal artery Doppler parameters of patients with BD did not show any significant differences compared to healthy controls. Therefore, we conclude that ovarian stromal artery is not involved in patients with BD as assessed by transvaginal Doppler ultrasound and serum hormone levels do not differ from the levels of healthy controls.Öğe Breast cancer diagnosis following ovarian stimulation: Are the tumours different?(Reproductive Healthcare Ltd, 2010) Sönmezer, Murat; Çil, Aylin Pelin; Öktem, Özgür; Oktay, KutlukDemographic data and tumour characteristics of 18 patients (study group) diagnosed with breast cancer within 24 months of undergoing ovarian stimulation with either gonadotrophins or clomiphene citrate were evaluated and compared with similar 102 age-matched women diagnosed with breast cancer without prior infertility treatment (control group). Eight out of 17 (47.1%) patients in the study group and 35/95 (36.8%) patients in the control group had positive family history for breast cancer. Median tumour size was similar in the study and control groups (both 1.3 cm). Both groups were comparable regarding tumour histological types and oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and Her2/Neu expression status. Albeit not significant, stage 0 tumours were more prevalent in the study group compared with the control group (22.2% versus 10.5%), and there were no stage III tumours in the study group as opposed to 7/95 in the control group. In conclusion, breast cancer diagnosed within the first 2 years following infertility treatment is similar in tumour characteristics compared with those occurring in patients without prior infertility treatment. (C) 2010, Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Does premature luteinization or early surge of LH impair cycle outcome? Report of two successful outcomes(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2009) Sönmezer, Murat; Çil, Aylin Pelin; Atabekoğlu, Cem; Özkavukçu, Sinan; Özmen, BatuhanTo report two successful antagonist IVF cycles; one ending up with pregnancy despite premature luteinization (case 1, aged 35 years), and the other with the retrieval of high quality oocytes despite premature ovulation (case 2, aged 39 years). Serum LH was 36 and 47 IU/L on cycle day 7 before antagonist administration, which was then brought to 6.94 and 3.92 IU/L by antagonist administration, and kept below these levels throughout the remaining stimulation in case 1 and 2 respectively. Serum progesterone was 1.42 and 5.5 ng/mL on the day of hCG respectively. Ten metaphase II (MII) oocytes were harvested wherein 3 grade A embryos were transferred in case 1, and seven good quality MII oocytes were retrieved wherein six embryos were cryopreserved in case 2. More precise cut thresholds for both LH and progesterone are necessary for accurate prediction of the cycle outcomes.Öğe Doğal menopozda hormon replasman tedavisinin renal arter doppler indekslerine etkisi: Ön çalışması(2006) Yücel, Aykan; Kara, Simay Altan; Noyan, Volkan; Sağsöz, Nevin; Çil, Aylin PelinObjektif: Bu çalışmanın amacı doğal menopozdaki hastalarda üç farklı hormon replasman tedavisinin (HRT) renal damarlar üzerine etkisini renal arter Doppler indeksleri ölçümü ile araştırmaktı. Planlama: Otuz üç postmenapozal hastaya randomize olarak sırasıyla 0.625 mg konjuge equine östrojen (CEE) 5 mg medroksiprogesteron asetat (MPA) (Grup I), 2 mg estradiol valerat (Grup II) ya da 2.5 mg Tibolon (Grup III) başlandı. Tedavi başlamadan önce ve başlangıçtan 70 gün sonra her hastaya sol interlobar renal arter Doppleri yapıldı. Ortam: Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum ve Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı Değerlendirme parametreleri: HRT başlangıç ve tedavi sonrasında interlobar renal arter Doppler indeksleri ölçümü SONUÇ: Toplam 33 hastadan grup I’ den 11, grup II’ den 7 ve grup III’ den 9 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Bu 27 hastanın yaş ortalaması 49.44 4.07 idi. Tüm hastaların bazal pulsatilite (PI) ve resistivite indeks (RI) değerleri benzerdi. Yetmiş günlük tedavi sonrasında grup III’ teki hastaların RI (p0.001), grup II’ deki hastaların RI (p0.047) ve PI (p0.028) değerlerinde anlamlı düşüş izlendi. Grup I’ deki hastaların bazal ve tedavi sonrası RI ve PI değerlerinde ise anlamlı değişiklik olmadı. YORUM: Az sayıda hastayla yapılmış olan bu çalışmanın sonuçları Tibolon ve estradiol valerat’in renal kan akımı üzerine olumlu etkileri olabileceği ve östrojenle kombine kullanıldığında MPA’ ın östrojenin vasküler etkilerini azaltıcı etki yaratabileceğini düşündürmekte ise de, bu yargıyı destekleyecek iyi planlanmış daha fazla hastayla yapılmış, uzun süreli çalışmalara gereksinim vardır.Öğe Impact of number of oocytes thawed and the day of embryo transfer on ivf success rates with vitrified donor oocytes: an individual patient data meta-analysis from 508 thaw cycles(Elsevier Science Inc, 2012) Çil, Aylin Pelin; Rosen, Mitchell; Oktay, Kutluk…Öğe Outcome of vasectomies performed at a Turkish metropolitan maternity hospital(Parthenon Publishing Group, 2007) Dilbaz, Berna; Çil, Aylin Pelin; Gültekin, İsmail Burak; Çalışkan, Eray; Kahyaoğlu, Zafer; Dilbaz, SerdarObjective To determine prospectively the outcome of vasectomies performed by two trained surgeons over a 9-month period at the Ministry of Health Ankara Etlik Maternity and Women's Health Teaching and Research Hospital Family Planning Centre. Methods The demographic data, source of information concerning the method, sexual function before and after voluntary no-scalpel vasectomy, compliance with the postvasectomy follow-up program of men applying for a vasectomy were analyzed. All patients were contacted by telephone and invited for follow-up visits for counseling, inquiry regarding sexual dysfunction, and performance of a semen analysis. Results The patients were married men, mostly primary school graduates, with more than one child. Sources of information were health services and/or health personnel for 89 0 of the patients. Of the 279 men who underwent a vasectomy and who were later contacted by phone, 131 (47%) came for a follow-up assessment. There was only one post-vasectomy pregnancy (0.8%). The incidence of reported sexual problems did not change after the procedure. Vasectomy did not affect the sexual function of men in our study. Conclusion Compliance with follow-up after vasectomy, which is extremely important for assessment of its successful outcome, is low.Öğe Ovarian reserve assesment in patients with multiple sclerosis(Elsevier Science Inc, 2010) Çil, Aylin Pelin; Leventoğlu, Alev; Sönmezer, Murat; Uzdoğan, Andaç; Güler, Zuhal Beyza; Oktay, Kultuk…Öğe Recovery of ovarian function after detorsion: Doppler findings(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2006) Çil, Aylin Pelin; Akgül, Mehmet Adil; Tulunay, Gökhan; Atayar, YYAdnexal torsion is one of the most common surgical gynecologic emergencies and needs prompt diagnosis. It usually occurs during reproductive age, which makes the early diagnosis all the more important in attempting to preserve ovarian function. If adnexal torsion is suspected from the clinical findings, Doppler ultrasound can be the best tool in diagnosis. It can also be helpful in assessing recovery of the ovary after surgical treatment. We present a case of adnexal torsion successfully diagnosed with power Doppler ultrasound and managed by detorsion. The postoperative gray-scale and power Doppler examination confirmed the recovery of ovarian follicles and stoma.Öğe Tanısı Atlanan bir Olgu Nedeniyle Gebeliğin İntrahepatik Kolestazı ve Yönetimi(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2012) Özcan Dağ, Zeynep; Çil, Aylin PelinGebeliğin intrahepatik kolestazı gebelikle ilişkili kaşıntı ile seyreden bir karaciğer hastalığıdır. Anne için prognoz genellikle iyiyken fetüs için önemli morbidite ve mortalite nedenidir. Kaşıntı ile başvuran bir gebede perinatal kötü sonuçlarından dolayı gebeliğin intrahepatik kolestazı akla gelmelidir. Biz bu yazımızda gebelik kolestazı tanısı daha önceki iki gebeliğinde atlanan bir olgu eşliğinde, gebeliğin intrahepatik kolestazının etyolojisi, patofizyolojisi, obstetrik yönetimi ve tedavisine dikkat çekmeyi amaçladık