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Öğe Biyogaz Üretimi Ve Kullanım(2013) Özbaşer, Fatma Tülin; Erdem, EvrenNüfus artışı, sanayileşme ve şehirleşme ile birlikte yakıt için kullanılan rezervlerinin azalması insanları farklı enerji kaynaklarını bulmaya yönlendirmiştir. Bu kaynaklardan biri olan biyogaz, insan sağlığı için tehdit oluşturan organik atıkların elektrik ve ısı enerjisine dönüştürülmesine yardımcı olmakta ve çevreye daha az zarar vermektedir. Gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde tarım ve hayvancılıkta yaygın olarak kullanılan biyogaz üretim tesislerinin sayısı, Türkiye'de istenilen düzeye ulaşmamıştır. Bu tesisler, daha çok belediyelerde evsel ve gıda sanayisi atıklarının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla kurulmuştur. Bu çalışma yetiştiricilerin, sürü yönetiminde önemli bir problem oluşturan atıkların yok edilmesi ya da tekrar kullanılmasını sağlayan ve alternatif enerji kaynağı olarak görülen biyogaz üretim tesisleri hakkında bilgilendirilmesi ve bu alandaki olanakların araştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Ayrıca Türkiye'deki hayvancılık işletmelerinde biyogaz ünite sayısının arttırılması ile ülke çapında karlılığın arttırılacağı düşünülmektedir.Öğe Comparison of Growth and Development Characteristics of Hair and Damascus Kids Reared under Extensive Conditions(2022) Erdem, Evren; Özbaşer, Fatma Tülin; Erat, SerkanThe present study aimed to compare the growth and the development of Hair and Damascus kids reared under extensive conditions. The body weights of Damascus goats were significantly higher than that of the Hair goats during the 360 days growth period (P < 0.05; P<0.001). Body weight was influenced by birth type only at birth and on the 360th day of the growth period, and single-birth kids had higher values than twin-born kids (P < 0.05). Exceptfor the 120th day of the growth period, the body weight of kids born in dam age group III was higher than that of kids born in the other dam age groups (P < 0.05; P < 0.01; P < 0.001). The breed effect was markedly observed after the 120th day of the growth period concerning body measurements especially chest depth, rump height, and body length. Damascus goats were significantly higher than that in the Hair goats for these traits (P < 0.001). It can be suggested that comparative studies containing the entire growth period should be conducted on other indigenous goat breeds (Angora, Honamlı, Kilis, and Norduz goat breeds) and to demonstrate the growth and development characteristics of these breeds.Öğe Evaluation of some morphological and genetic characteristics of Çatalburun dog breed(TUBITAK, 2021) Özarslan, Bora; Atasoy, Fatih; Erdoğan, Metin; Yüceer Özkul, Banu; Özbaşer, Fatma TülinÇatalburun (Fork-nose) dogs are the members of Turkey's indigenous gene pool. Although there are some studies on phenotypic identification of this breed, there is no study on genetic characterization. This study aimed to define the detailed morphological and genetic characteristics of this breed. For this purpose, initially, some morphological traits in 100 Çatalburun dogs were measured. Furthermore, the blood samples were taken from a total of 62 animals to identify genetic characteristics. The mean live weight was found as 20.20 kg, and the means of withers height, rump height and body length were measured as 48.2, 49.1 and 54.1 cm, respectively. In the microsatellite analysis, the mean of inbreeding coefficient (FIS) was calculated as 0.048. The observed (Ho) and the expected heterozygosity (He) values were determined as 0.743 ± 0.12 and 0.744 ± 0.11, respectively. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence analyses revealed that AHT 137 loci (12 alleles) and REN247M2 loci (4 alleles) were found to have the highest and the lowest frequencies. The highest frequencies in A and B haplogroups were found to be A18 (14.52%) and B1 (59.68%) haplotypes, respectively. The factorial similarity analysis denoted that the examined dogs may be grouped in closely-related two parent lines. Although the heterozygosity values were found to be relatively high, conversely, the mutation or nucleotide diversities were found to be low. This is the first study to comprehensively describe the genomic diversity and population structure of the Çatalburun breed. Special attentions should be taken to the protection of this breed as soon as possible. © TÜBİTAKÖğe Filo güvercinlerinde (Columba livia domestica) bazı morfolojik özellikler(2016) Özbaşer, Fatma Tülin; Atasoy, Fatih; Erdem, Evren; Güngör, İrfanBu araştırma Türkiye’de yetiştirilen filo güvercinlerin canlı ağırlık ve çeşitli morfolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma 2013 yılında sekiz işletmede, 119 erkek ve 56 dişi olmak üzere toplam 175 güvercin üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Güvercinlerde bireysel olarak vücut rengi, nişane, baş tipi, tepelilik, göz rengi, paçalılık, kuyruk telek sayısı belirlenmiştir. Ortalama canlı ağırlık değeri 428.85±5.67 g, vücut uzunluğu 36.48±0.20 cm, gövde uzunluğu 10.09±0.09 cm, kanat açıklığı ve uzunluğu 67.67±0.26 cm ve 31.34±0.05 cm, kuyruk uzunluğu 12.32±0.08 cm, göğüs çevresi, genişliği ve derinliği 22.11±0.11 cm, 56.02±0.42 cm, 65.03±0.66 cm, baş uzunluğu ve genişliği 55.09±0.41 cm ve 21.60±0.16 cm, gaga uzunluğu ve derinliği 17.39±0.22 cm ve 6.78±0.07 cm, incik çapı 4.36±0.04 cm’ dir. Canlı ağırlık (P<0.01), vücut uzunluğu (P<0.05), kanat açıklığı (P<0.01), kuyruk uzunluğu (P<0.01), göğüs derinliği (P<0.05), gaga uzunluğu (P<0.05) ve derinliği (P<0.001) değerleri bakımından yaş grupları arası farklılık önemli, kanat açıklığı (P<0.05), kanat uzunluğu (P<0.001), göğüs derinliği (P<0.01), gaga uzunluğu (P<0.05) ve incik çapı (P<0.05) değerleri bakımından cinsiyet grupları arası farklılık önemli bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, Şanlıurfa’da filo uçucusu olarak yetiştirilen güvercinlerde bazı morfolojik özellikler bakımından yaş grupları arası farklılığın önemli olduğu, yaş ile beraber büyüme ve gelişimin devam ettiği görülmüştür.Öğe Filo güvercinlerinde (Columba livia domestica) bazı morfolojik özellikler(2016) Özbaşer, Fatma Tülin; Atasoy, Fatih; Erdem, Evren; Güngör, İrfanBu araştırma Türkiye’de yetiştirilen filo güvercinlerin canlı ağırlık ve çeşitli morfolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıylayapılmıştır. Araştırma 2013 yılında sekiz işletmede, 119 erkek ve 56 dişi olmak üzere toplam 175 güvercin üzerinde yürütülmüştür.Güvercinlerde bireysel olarak vücut rengi, nişane, baş tipi, tepelilik, göz rengi, paçalılık, kuyruk telek sayısı belirlenmiştir.Ortalama canlı ağırlık değeri 428.85±5.67 g, vücut uzunluğu 36.48±0.20 cm, gövde uzunluğu 10.09±0.09 cm, kanat açıklığı ve uzunluğu67.67±0.26 cm ve 31.34±0.05 cm, kuyruk uzunluğu 12.32±0.08 cm, göğüs çevresi, genişliği ve derinliği 22.11±0.11 cm,56.02±0.42 cm, 65.03±0.66 cm, baş uzunluğu ve genişliği 55.09±0.41 cm ve 21.60±0.16 cm, gaga uzunluğu ve derinliği 17.39±0.22cm ve 6.78±0.07 cm, incik çapı 4.36±0.04 cm’ dir. Canlı ağırlık (P<0.01), vücut uzunluğu (P<0.05), kanat açıklığı (P<0.01), kuyrukuzunluğu (P<0.01), göğüs derinliği (P<0.05), gaga uzunluğu (P<0.05) ve derinliği (P<0.001) değerleri bakımından yaş grupları arasıfarklılık önemli, kanat açıklığı (P<0.05), kanat uzunluğu (P<0.001), göğüs derinliği (P<0.01), gaga uzunluğu (P<0.05) ve incik çapı(P<0.05) değerleri bakımından cinsiyet grupları arası farklılık önemli bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, Şanlıurfa’da filo uçucusu olarakyetiştirilen güvercinlerde bazı morfolojik özellikler bakımından yaş grupları arası farklılığın önemli olduğu, yaş ile beraber büyümeve gelişimin devam ettiği görülmüştür.Öğe Genetic Animal Heritage of Anatolia: Short-beaked Pigeon Genotypes(2022) Özbaşer, Fatma Tülin; Erdem, Evren; Gurcan, Eser Kemal; İhsansoysal, MehmetThis study aimed to determine the morphological and morphometric characteristics of Bango, Mısıri and Baska pigeons, which have been preferred to breed as ornamental and diver pigeons in Anatolia. The ages of the pigeons were classified into four groups: 12-24 months of age (age group I), 25-36 months of age (age group II), 37-48 months of age (age group III), and 48 months of age and over (age group IV). These three pigeon genotypes were included in the bird group with short beak and small body structure. There were statistically significant differences among the genotypes in terms of body weight, head length-width, beak length-depth, chest depth-width, thoracic perimeter, tail and body length, wing span-length, tarsus diameter (p?0.01). Considering the body plumage color of pigeons, Mısıri and Bango pigeons show more similar appearance, however Baska pigeons has a different appearance from both genotypes. However, it is thought that it would be appropriate to evaluate morphological data together with genetic analysis. We think that these three pigeon genotypes should be taken under immediate protection in order to protect the domestic gene resources of Turkey.Öğe Morphological and Genetic Characteristics of Zerdava, A Native Turkish Dog Breed(2020) Özbaşer, Fatma Tülin; Atasoy, Fatih; Erdoğan, Metin; Özkul, Banu Yüceer; Özarslan, BoraZerdava dogs are considered as one of the many native animal genetic resources of Turkey. However, the genetic characteristics of these dogs and detailed phenotypic studies related to them have not been reported yet. The aim of this study was to determine the morphological and genetic characteristics of Zerdava dogs. Blood samples (n = 100) were collected from Zerdava dogs. The morphological characteristics of these dogs were also taken. The mean live weights of Zerdava dogs were found to be 16.02±0.35 kg. The mean withers height, rump height and body length were measured as 48.20±0.21, 47.08±0.24 and 51.24±0.23 cm, respectively. According to the results of microsatellite markers, the mean FIS (inbreeding coefficient) value was documented as 0.0361±0.0003. Observed (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) values were found to be 0.708±0.091 and 0.694±0.077, respectively. In addition, the frequency of A018 (72%) and B001 (16%) haplotypes were high in Zerdava dogs. The mitochondrial DNA sequence results show that the majority of Zerdava dogs originate from two different maternal lines. According to the results, the phenotypic and genotypic variations of Zerdava dogs were low. Therefore, these results may suggest that Zerdava dogs may have been protected by local breeders and can be considered a separate breed.Öğe The morphological characteristics of the muradiye dönek pigeon, a native Turkish genetic resource(Chartered Inst. of Building Services Engineers, 2021) Özbaşer, Fatma Tülin; Erdem, Evren; Gürcan, Eser Kemal; Soysal, Mehmet İhsanThis study was conducted to investigate the morphological characteristics of Muradiye Dönek pigeon. It is a local animal genetic resource and cultural heritage and has an important place among the genotypes of domestic pigeons in Turkey. The animal material of this study consisted of 100 pigeons (50 females and 50 males) from seven pigeon enterprises. In the study, morphological characteristics were evaluated and morphometric measurements were determined. Body plumage colors of pigeons were determined as black (70%), red (16%) and blue (14%) galaca. In some birds, the yellow beaks and nails may bear black spots, which pigeon breeders refer to as ‘zikir’. The term ‘biyik’ (mustache) is used when black feathers appear among the white feathers on the head, and the term ‘kemer’ (belt) is used when black feathers appear in the tail. The differences between the mean values of body weight and wingspan (P<0.001), chest depth (P<0.05) values were statically significant for age groups, which were reported to affect flight characteristics in birds. As a result, when the morphological characteristics obtained in Muradiye Dönek pigeons are compared with other researchers, it is thought that the selection of these birds were carried out by the breeders in terms of the game behavior such as rotation movement during the diving and landing. Although the data obtained in the study support the hypothesis that Muradiye Dönek pigeons should be defined as a different breed, further studies with DNA analysis are required to confirm this situation. © 2021, Chartered Inst. of Building Services Engineers. All rights reserved.Öğe Türkiye's indigenous genetic resource: Muradiye Kelebek pigeon(Ankara Univ, 2024) Erdem, Evren; Özbaşer, Fatma Tülin; Gürcan, Eser Kemal; Soysal, Mehmet İhsanThe current study was carried out to determine the morphological characteristics of the Muradiye kelebek pigeon, which has been reared for many years by breeders in the Muradiye region. The ages of pigeons were classified into two groups: 12-24 months (age group I) and 25-36 months (age group II). The male pigeons had a significantly higher trunk length (P<0.001), head width (P<0.05), beak length (P<0.001), beak depth (P<0.05), thoracic perimeter (P<0.001), and tarsus diameter (P<0.001) compared to the female pigeons. The body weight (P<0.001), chest width (P<0.05), and thoracic perimeter (P<0.01) values of age group II were higher than those of age group I. It was determined that most of the pigeons were grayish blue-eyed (69.90%) and non-crested (76.72%). It was determined that the head structure of the Muradiye kelebek pigeon was similar to the Edremit kelebek, Muradiye donek, Bursa oynari, Thrace roller, and Alabadem pigeon genotypes. The spotted plumage color of the Muradiye butterfly pigeon and the other three genotypes (jackal plumage in the Thrace roller, speckled plumage in the Edremit kelebek pigeon, and red/black galaca in the Muradiye donek pigeon) may be a common trait. Since these genotypes share some phenotypic characteristics, the phylogenetic relationships between the Muradiye butterfly pigeon and the other five pigeon genotypes (Edremit kelebek, Muradiye donek, Alabadem, Bursa oynari, and Thrace roller) should be determined by molecular studies.